Chapter 38 "Manhunt Part 1"

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Boo had some mad skills but I had seen many java/bedrock hacks and all of Dream's manhunt videos. I did a boat clutch in the nether and Boo did it too. We seemed to be equally matched in skill.

I got back to the overworld and was on top of a huge mountain. I quickly grabbed a bucket of powdered snow and ran for it. Boo appeared out of the portal and chased after me.

It was nighttime and the mobs slowed them down by a few dozen blocks. I saw a lava pool and tried my best to get to it as quickly as possible. I made a quick portal and went through.

As soon as I got to the other side, Boo was going thru too. He had caught up very quickly. I made a run for it and he chased me. I saw a steep edge and went for it. Neither of us had haybales and water wouldn't work.

I was saving my ender pearls and so was he. I jumped off the edge and he did too. I mlged with my powdered snow bucket and quickly picked it back up. "NOOOO!!" I heard Boo scream as he hit the ground and died.

I laughed and went thru his stuff. The armor was almost completly broken and he didn't have much. I had went to the nether before but there was no fortress so I had set a trap to which he dodged.

I needed to find a fortress now. I saved the cords and ran to find a fortress. I quickly spotted one and used a ender pearl to get to the top of it. I knew to save them but I did have 19 left. I got some blaze rods and put down a crafting table.

I crafted a cauldron and a brewing stand. I placed my water inside the cauldron since I no longer needed it thanks to my powdered snow. I snatched the nether wart and used it to make strength pots and speed pots.

This was going to come in handy later. I had my 16 eyes of ender, 3 spare pearls, the speed and strength pots, my powdered snow and a few other things. And of course, 3 boats just incase. Just like Dream would do.

I packed up my stuff and headed back to the portal with caution. I was next to it and there wasn't anyone there. Maybe Boo was still trying to get back in the overworld? I put my shield up and went thru the portal.

Everything loaded in and I started to get attacked by Boo with full iron armor and a diamond sword. I knew he didn't really lose all his stuff from that jump. I critted him with an axe and he ran away screaming about his health.

He had placed a bed, a chest with most of his stuff and then went thru the portal in a matter of seconds. Amazing. I looted his furnaces and chest while he tried to get his iron back from me. He didn't know that I too, had gotten diamonds.

My chestplate broke and Boo snickered. I hit them and chased them until he was about 30 blocks away from me. I quickly crafted a diamond chestplate and put it on. "What?!? No way!" I heard th3m yell. I giggled a bit and then made a diamond sword, a iron axe and a new shield.

I knew who my next target was. Not the Ender Dragon but Boo. This was manhunt after all. We may like eachother very much but when it comes to manhunt, we are friendly enemies.

I broke his bed and went after them. "Y/n we can talk about this! Please! AHHHH STOP I'M LOW!!" He shouted as I hit him with my axe. He must have been at 3 hearts by now. I had counted how much damage he would take and how long it would take till he would have to eat again.

True I guess I was a bit obsessed on winning but it was competitive fun, no harm done. I chased them and threw an ender eye when he wasn't paying attention. It went in the other direction so I let them hit me once or twice for them to think I was low and running away when I was actually running to the stronghold.

I started to dig straight down when the ender eye went down and when Boo was distracted. He couldn't jump down because he would die so he started to mine down too. I mined into the stronghold and got the achievement "Eye spy". Boo got the idea of what I had done.

I had fooled them but he had a trick up his sleeve. When he lost me in the nether when I went there the first time, he had gotten something. He had gotten a ghast tear from when I killed it when it was attacking me.

He found the end portal and put a block of obi at the entrance to it. I would have to break it or a block near it to get by. His plan was simple, block it off so when I get near, he shoots the end crystal he made, I die and he wins.

His logic was flawed tho. I heard thrm place the block of obi and knew the sound of it being placed by memory. His plan was obvious. I placed a few blocks and mined them so he would get curious on what I was doing.

It worked. He got close to see and I shot the end crystal. He immediately died when I did that. I was looting his stuff when he appeared out of nowhere and started to attack me.

He had gotten his armor back on and had ender eyes. He lit the portal and went thru it. I took in a deep breath, exhaled and went thru the portal too, powdered snow bucket in hand.

It loaded and I ran for dear life. The lava almost fell on me. I shot Boo and then the pillars one by one. I towered up and shot the caged ones too. The dragon perched and I attacked it. I was critting the f out of it when I got hit into it and got sent flying.

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