Chapter 31 "Friend Request"

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Tommy ran around trying to catch Techno but he ran as fast as in mc so Tommy couldn't catch him. Bad and Sapnap were simply sitting in the shade with Philza and Kristin.

"Hey Philza get over here the water is nice!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes, picked up Kristin and ran towards us.
"Phiiil don't you dare!" She yelled. We all moved out of the way and he yeeted her into the water.

Poor her she was now soaking wet but it was hilarious. She ran up out of the water and grabbed him "shit." I heard him say right before she pulled him into the water with a big sploosh.

"That's what you get!" She said while laughing with the rest of us. Now it wasn't poor Mumza it was poor Philza because he wasn't wearing a bathing suit just his normal clothes.

Even Bad and Sapnap were laughing at this point. I shook my head and helped Philza out of the water. It was funny but now it was just laughing at him and I don't tolerate that very much.

I got him a towel and helped him to sit back down, cold as heck. We stayed for about 5 hours total before packing our stuff and gathering in a circle. There were a few onlookers who were confused but before they knew it, we held hands and teleported away.

When we got home, Techno, Philza, George, Quackity and a few others were fighting over the shower. I knew that Dream had his own so naturally, I teleported Boo there, handed him a clean towel and some fresh clothes and sat in my room for when he finished.

After a few mins of hearing everyone fight over the shower, Boo came in looking his best. I took my towel and clean clothes and did the same.

A few mins later, I teleported to my room. Boo was on my pc looking at something on youtube. It was his channel? Why would he check that out? He clicked on and gasped loudly when he saw that I was indeed, subscribed.

"Boo what are you doing?" I asked them. He jumped a bit and turned around in my chair. Due to me being right behind them before he turned, when he did turn, we were not even an inch away from eachothers faces.

If anyone saw us, it would look like we were kissing with the mask on. I slowly moved backwards and proceeded to grab his pc. My plan was that if his was set up, he wouldn't be on mine. I set it up and he walked over and put in the password.

He then walked back to my pc and continued to look around. I decided, if he is on my pc, I will be on his. I grabbed another gaming chair that was there and sat down.

There were some interesting things on there. Even on mc, there were many cool things. Cute decorations, a ton of coins, best speedrun times, etc. It was fun to walk around in mc on his account.

Suddenly, when I was on Hypixel, I got a friend request from, what? My account? Tf? I turned around to see Boo on Hypixel on my account. I scoffed and accepted the friend request.

After all, it wouldn't hurt to accept my own accounts friend request. It would maybe even help later to be his friend on Hypixel. Suddenly, Dream got on Hypixel so I ran towards him.

He thought I was Ranboo for a sec until I started to hit him for not recognizing me. I couldn't do damage to him but it felt nice for it to look like I was kicking his ass.

He realized who I was and he sent a friend request to my account. Boo accepted it and teleported to me. Dream saw that we had swapped pc's. He sent a message to me on discord.

Y/n why does Ranboo have your pc and you have his?

Well because he took it and yes, he can access my discord too.

So he can see these messages?

Yep and can also type so I can use his account to talk to you

Dream messaged me on Boo's pc and I opened discord on there. I saw that they had been chatting about me before we met up irl. They had talked alot in the day or two that it took me to teleport over there.

It looked like Boo had talked about me for ages. I took screenshots of it all and sent it to my gmail account. Thanks to that, Boo would have access to send me stuff thru my gmail but I didn't mind.

After all, we are a bit more than best friends.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now