Chapter 8 "The Mansion"

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About six minutes later we finally finished putting all the blocks in place. We started to head back over to the house.

*Ranboo's POV*

Y/n walked out the door and then Tommy did soon after. Dream got up and then said, "That's sus. I will just casually watch them just incase." Before leaving.

Everyone else walked into the house and settled in. Everyone was very comfortable. But I wasn't. I was still wondering why I didn't get to be on her group and why Tommy was acting weird around me.

"Could he...have been...jealous? No. He wouldn't be. Right? He isn't, I will confirm this the next time we can talk alone." I thought to myself.

I went over to the window and sat down looking out of it watching Y/n and Tommy build. A few minutes later they started to head back over.

*Y/n's POV*

We were walking back when I felt a gaze on me again. It wasn't Tommy's gaze either although he was looking at me. Another gaze? I felt two gazes now. One was Ranboo's gaze and one was...Dream's. I quickly whipped around and saw something on the mansion.

"Yo Dream get down from there before you break your legs!" I yelled out. He boated off the mansions roof and headed towards me, head held down with his hands in his pockets.

Once he was close to me he said, "how the hell did you know I was watching?" I chuckled a bit.
"I knew you were watching me but the closer you are, the less I feel like being watched." I responded.

"Ok but like how can you feel like you're being watched?" He asked me confused.
"Heh its easy, I just feel majorly uncomfortable when someone is looking at me." I responded.

"It's something ive always had." I said. I turned around and started to walk to the house. Tommy walked with me and Dream behind me.

We walked into the house and Ranboo was standing there looking at me. "I- uh thanks for fixing up the mansion Y/n." Ranboo said.

"Heh don't worry about it Ranboo. After all, the mansion is big enough for everyone to stay instead of cooped up here lol." I responded.

"Say, did you get the materials to decorate like I asked you to? Or did you just watch me build the entire time?" I asked while chuckling a bit.

He started to blush a bit. "I just watched the whole time. I'll go and get the materials now" he responded as we walked away to get the materials.

Dream started to laugh. And Tommy left the house. "Dream, can I talk to you outside please?" I asked him.

"Sure" he responded. We walked outside to the back of the house. "Dream, does Tommy normally act like this? He doesn't seem to like to be around Ranboo and he normally hangs out with them." I said.

"Well they normally do hang out all the time. I don't know why they aren't hanging out right now. Ever since you showed up, he has been acting weird." Dream responded.

"I really hope I didn't cause this." I said to Dream. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry Y/n. It's not your fault. It's just Tommy being Tommy." Dream replied.

He comforted me for a little while and I felt a lot better.
"I'm going to go back inside, want to go back inside or do you want to stay outside a bit longer" Dream asked me.

"Thank you. I will stay outside for a bit longer. The view is nice." I responded. "Alright then see you in a bit" Dream said.

As soon as he went inside I started to hum a song. Tommy snuck over and listened in on my humming. I started to actually sing the song after a few seconds of humming.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now