Chapter 14 "End Portal Room"

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"Good job Boo! We can get there and see how many Eyes of Ender are missing!" I responded with a big smile.

We got to the coords where it was and started to dig down. We used a powdered snow bucket to break our fall just incase but also to not hurt us as we were half or more enderman.

We got to the portal room. "Let's see, 2,4,5. We need 5 Eyes of Ender." I said to Ranboo as I placed a block of powdered snow where we had mined down to not take fall damage.

"I'm so lucky to have found a 7 eye portal! We don't even need that many now!" Ranboo said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Ok ok calm down Boo. We still need to get the 5 Eyes of Ender and kill the Ender Dragon 20 times without dying." I said trying to keep them from using up all his energy.

"Ok fiiine. I'll stop celebrating our End Portal find. You're such a stick in the mud." He said as he turned away. I gasped.
"Stick in the mud? How dare you Boo!" I said dramaticly.

"After all we've done too! I feel so hurt!" I said being dramatic as ever as I put my arm on my forehead while pretending to be hurt.

While Ranboo was snickering I got closer to him and grabbed his tail. "HEY! LET GO OF MY TAIL!" He screamed.
"Nah." I responded as I pet his tail.

He started to turn red again as I laughed and let go of his tail. After a minute or two of laughing and Ranboo being embarrassed, there was a teleporting noise.

"Ah there you are!" I said to the enderman in endirian. Ranboo was confused but excited to maybe meet my enderman friend. I stared into the enderman's eyes and then it nodded.

It walked over to Ranboo and held out their hand. Ranboo shook his hand. "Hello!" Ranboo said to the enderman in endirian.

"Hi!" It responded.
"The enderman will let you look into it's eyes Ranboo. Just don't look at them to make themselfs feel uncomfortable. Just look at them like a normal person." I told Ranboo.

He nodded and looked into the enderman's eyes. It didn't agro on them. They looked at eachothers eyes and communicated like that. Ranboo blushed a bit at what it had said to them.

The enderman looked away and so did Ranboo. The enderman looked at me in the eyes and we talked like that for bit before it nodded and teleported away.

"Well Boo, you have permission to look at it in the eyes now! Isn't that cool?" I asked Boo.
"Wait really? That's so cool!" He responded.
"So what did they say to you?" I asked Boo.

"Nothing much. Just how we look cute as a couple." Ranboo said blushing more. I laughed a bit and Ranboo did too. It helped him to stop being so embarrassed.

I held his hand, "Boo, we are going to get out of here." I told him.
"Good because everything being a block gets old quickly lol. But where do we get the enderpearls?" Boo asked me.

"Don't worry about that. Our friend is helping with that. We wont need to harm any endermen or trade for enderpearls." I responded.

"Wow your friend sure is helpful! They have helped you out with mobs, the location of some other dream SMP members, that fruit, and now this! Thank them for me please." Ranboo said.

There was a teleporting noise from behind me and I turned around to see my enderman friend with a stack of enderpearls. "Thank you!" I said in endirian. It nodded.

It looked at me in the eyes and nodded again. It teleported away once again. "Hmm I wonder what it's going to? I told it that you said thanks but it just said it would be back, nodded and left." I said to Boo.

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