Chapter 12 "Pogtopia"

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*Nihachu's POV*

Y/n had told us where to go to look for everyone else but I don't see anyone so far. Maybe they are somewhere else? No, they have to be around here somewhere.

Its not like they vanished off the face of the mc world. "Wilbur! Look! Its Pogtopia!" Tommy yelled while running towards a closed off ravine.

"Tommy wait!" I shouted. He didn't pay attention to what I said and collided with a tree at full speed. He immediately fell over and held his face in his hands.

I heard a muffled "Owwwww" coming from him. I ran over and handed him a golden apple Y/n had given to me just incase Tommy did anything stupid.

He ate it and the pain in his head went away. "Thanks niki" he said.
"No problem Tommy" I responded.

We heard laughter and when we turned around we saw Wilbur rolling on the ground laughing. "Ha. Ha. Very fucking funny Wilbur. Next time you should run into a tree." Tommy said as Wilbur continued to roll on the ground in laughter.

I shook my head and helped Tommy get back up. We proceeded to go towards the ravine leaving Wilbur to laugh on the ground alone.

We got to the ravine and Tommy showed me a secret entrance they had that was a spiral staircase down. We were about to decend the stairs when Tommy got hit my something.

It was Wilbur. He hit Tommy on the head with a stick he found. "Ow you fucking piece of shit!" Tommy yelled.
"Language Tommy!" I responded.

"Ok fine." Tommy replied. Wilbur giggled a bit.
"Oh shut up you twat!" Tommy shouted again before going quiet.

We started to decend the stairs when we saw some nametags. It was Slimecicle, Callahan and Purpled. We went down the stairs and got to the bottom.

Tommy ran over and scared the living heck out of Slimecicle. It was kind of funny to see. "What the fuck man you scared the shit out of me!" Slimecicle said.

Tommy laughed. "Sorry man I didn't think I would scare you that much." Tommy responded trying not to laugh. Wilbur got to the bottom of the stairs and greeted everyone.

"Alright we need to go look for everyone. Y/n wants us to find everyone soon before anything bad happens." Tommy said.

"Yea but what did that book say to scare Y/n like that? It said what would happen to us if we stayed and as soon as she read it she froze." Wilbur asked.

It made some sense. What ever could have been in the book? "We need to ask her what was on there. It had to be something really bad for her to freeze like that." I responded.

We began to look for more people soon. We decided to ask Y/n about that later when we meet back up. After all, we need to find everyone else.

*Y/n's POV*

Now that we are a larger group, we found some more people. Our group found Ponk and Jack Manifold. Nihachu's group found ConnorEatsPants.

Sapnap's group found FoolishGamers. Bad's group didn't find anyone else. And Dream's group found BoomerNA. We all started to return to Snowchester. After an entire day of walking for us all, we got back to Snowchester.

As we all went back, we saw eachother again and grouped up. "Dreeeeeam!" I said as I ran over to Dream.
"Y/n!" He responded as we ran up to eachother.

I gave him a big hug before grabbing his mask and putting it on. I then pretended to be Dream by chasing Techno around with an axe.

It was hilarious for everyone. Everyone began to laugh as I continued to chase Techno with my axe. Eventually I turned to Tommy and started to chase him.

"Get over here you kid!" I yelled at Tommy as he ran and we all laughed. It was a fun time. I pretended to do stuff Dream did including "looking" for my house since Dream is homeless.

Dream didn't find the house part very funny but everyone else did especially Techno who was the one who had pointed his homelessnes out.

After what seemed like hours of laughter, it started to get dark so I put my axe away and we went inside. Our sides hurt from laughing so much.

We went inside and I went to the brewing rooms. I got a few health potions and brought it to the others. We had gotten a bit hurt from the adventure and laughing so we all took a few sips from the potions.

I took a sip of one potion and handed it to Ranboo, who started to turn a bit red. "What's the matter Boo? Is something wrong?" I asked them.

"No it's nothing it's just that you took a sip and want me to take one after-" he cut himself off. He took the potion I had handed them and took a sip too.

It hit me why he had turned a bit red and I blushed and turned away. I was so embarrassed. Dream and a few others had seen it all take place and were laughing their asses off.

I pulled myself together and walked over to Dream. I stared at him for as long as I could before putting his mask back on.

He gave me a warm smile as a thanks. I walked back to Ranboo who was still a bit red. I chuckled a bit and went to my temporary room. It was Ranboo's room but I didn't want to sleep alone on the other half of the second floor.

I flopped onto the bed as I was very tired from going to so many places. It wasn't everyday I walked around the dream SMP and protected Ranboo by killing any mobs that would hurt them.

I felt so comfy in that bed. It even had Ranboo's scent. "What am I thinking? His scent? I mean it does smell like them but I had no need to realize that. Then again, I can smell them when he is close." I thought to myself.

I slowly fell asleep while internally scolding myself for thinking about how everyone smells and how I can tell who it is thanks to their scent and stare.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now