Chapter 32 "PC Swap"

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I finished taking all the screenshots and got a message on discord.

Y/n you there?

Yea I'm here I had just scrolled up and took a few screenshots

Ooo~ find anything interesting?

Yea you two talked alot about me. Maybe a little bit too much...

Lol he started it
He started randomly talking about you and wouldn't shut up I even tried to get them to stop and ignored them but he made me agree to everything he said.

Wow he is a total simp over me isnt he?

100% simping over you. No doubt about it

I rolled my eyes and heard clacking on my keyboard. I knew the clacking of my keyboard by memory. Boo was quickly typing. Maybe even as fast as Techno could type.

Dream and I did a silent video call and he shared his screen. Boo was typing to Dream on my acc on discord. At this point, we had taken over almost all our accounts that were on eachothers pc's.

Boo messaged Dream. He was typing so fast that even I couldn't read it. He was complaining to Dream about saying that he is "100% simp for me." It was hilarious to hear so much clacking coming from my keyboard.

"Boo you are going to beak my keyboard if you continue like that." I told him. Even Dream could hear the clacking.
"I'm a bit busy but I will buy you a new one if anything happens ok princess?" He replied.

I looked away and turned red. Dream was struggling to not say anything or laugh. I got up and walked over to Boo. I tried to get his attention but he was focused on destroying Dream for what he said.

"Boo." I said. No response.
"Boo!" I shouted. No response. I was directly infront of them. He was just ignoring me at this point. I decided to get some small revenge on them.

I got closer to them and he still ignored me so I simply sat on his lap. He stopped typing as soon as I did that. His face turned a light pink and he didn't even move.

"Y-Y/n what are you doing?" He asked embarrassed. I ignored him. I pulled out my phone and started to play on it.
"Y/n please get off" he said. I ignored them like he did to me.

Dream hung up and bust into my room. He saw Boo with his face in his hands and me on his lap playing on my phone. He realized what Boo was complaining about when I stepped out of frame.

"Y/n you appear to be killing him." Dream said as he pulled out his phone. I rolled my eyes and continued to play among us. I got a really good kill streak and was not about to lose it.

I heard a snap of a camera again and knew exactly what Dream did. He took a picture. I did my last kill in among us and disconnected from the game. I turned off my phone and then put it on the desk before getting up.

My eyes started to glow in rage and I teleported to infront of Dream. I stared at him right in the eyes. He handed me his phone and I looked at the photo. I did a few taps and then handed it back to him.

I didn't delete it. I sent it to myself using his account, took a screenshot of the other accounts listed on his phone, sent it to myself and then deleted the screenshot. It was George's gmail, Sapnap's, Philza's, Bad's, etc.

I'm suprised I even managed to get it all in one screenshot but I did and could now do whatever I wanted with the emails. Dream was confused on why I didn't delete it.

He didn't even realize what I had done but, he recorded many hours of my stuff on MY pc, then sent it to himself and tried to deny it. I was going to get some sweet revenge soon.

I was already coming up with my plan to do so. I had many ideas for it but none seemed to be good enough. After all, a pie in the face during a stream with his cam on wasn't really enough.

I heard a small voice from behind me where Boo was. It sounded like he said said "no." I don't know what for but I decided to find out so I pushed Dream out of my room and closed the door.

I went over to Boo who had tears in his eyes. "Boo what happened?" I asked them. He handed me his phone and it was messages from his mother. His father had broken Boo's custom axe when we teleported away from him.

There was a picture of the completly broken axe. His father was a taking a little while too long to cool down and didn't seem to be able to control his temper very well.

I turned off his phone and put it on the desk infront of us. I ruffled his hair a bit and sat on his lap petting them. "Boo, don't worry about it. I will fix this, I promise." I told them. He sniffled and cheered up a bit.

"O-ok princess." He replied. I lifted his head a bit. "C'mon Boo give me a nice smile." I said to them. He smiled a bit and I told them that I would be back soon. He nodded and I teleported away.

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