Chapter 9 "Sappatus Nappatus"

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We had headed out in search of Sapnap and Eret. Philza went to Eret's castle and we went to the holy land. We were close to it now.

There was a nametag in the distance and we sped towards it. Then all of a sudden it was two nametags. As we got closer we started to see and hear who it was. It was Sapnap and Wilbur Soot.

As soon as Dream saw Sapnap he ran towards him at full speed. I sped up just to be able to catch up. "Sapnap!" He yelled.

"Dreeeeam!" Sapnap yelled out. They hugged eachother and started to talk about how I was helping them out to get back home. Sapnap looked at me and I waved.

We waved back. I felt a new gaze and quickly snapped my neck in the direcion of the gaze. It was Wilbur Soot. "Ah hello Wilbur Soot, I didn't mean to frighten you by doing that." I said as he looked at me in shock.

"Don't worry about that- uh, whats your name?" Wilbur asked.
"It's Y/n, nice to meet you Wilbur Soot." I responded.

"Please, call me Wilbur. And it's nice to meet you too Y/n." He responded. "Alright so where is your armor? And Sapnap's armor too?" I asked him.

"We don't know, we spawned in without it." He responded.
"We will get it back once we go return to Snowchester then." I said.

"Let's go over there, the rest of the group are waiting. Well, those who we found anyways." I added.

Sapnap held Dream's hand and started to walk to Snowchester. Wilbur walked next to me for the entire time.

Dream and Sapnap talked the whole way there about all the crazy stuff that happened during the two days in mc. They were laughing, whispering, telling jokes and having a ton of fun.

It wasn't long before we got back to Snowchester.

*Philza's POV*

We split up to look for Eret and Sapnap. It had been only a few minutues before I saw Eret's castle in the distance. I walked towards it, speeding up a bit.

I went into the castle, which was dark as hell. "Yo mate anyone here?" I shouted. No response. I entered the throne room and saw someone asleep on it.

I slowly walked up to them. "Mate?" I said. They opened their eyes and saw me "Hey Philza. I didn't expect to see anyone here." He said.

He got up and I could see who it was. It was Eret the whole time. I chuckled a bit. "Hm? What's so funny?" Eret asked me.

"It's just that I was looking for you and then helped someone who I didn't recognize and it was you after all." I responded chuckling a bit.

Eret chuckled too. Eret seemed to be hurt a bit. "Eret are you hurt?" I asked him. He moved his cape to show a huge wound.

I quickly pulled out a golden apple that Y/n had given me incase anything happened. I handed one to Eret and he ate it.

He instantly started to feel better but was still a bit woozy since he hadn't gotten sleep recently. He leaned on me for some support while walking.

We soon saw the mansion from Snowchester up ahead. I also spotted Y/n with 3 others walking towards the mansion aswell.

*Y/n's POV*

We were aproaching the mansion when I felt a gaze again. I turned to my left and saw someone there. It was Philza. I knew his gaze, but it looked like he was carrying something or someone. Could it be Eret?

I told Dream to take Sapnap and Wilbur Soot inside the mansion. "What why? Is something wrong Y/n? Dream asked me.
"Philza is back but Eret might be wounded. I have to go help." I responded.

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