Chapter 19 "Training"

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes on the stove. I immediately got up and ran out the room on my tip toes. I looked up a bit and sniffed the air.

It was coming from the left and down the stairs. I ran over as fast as I could and swung around the stairs. I almost ran into the wall. Dream wheezed like a kettle.

It was hilarious to see him laugh like that in person. I ran to the table and sat down in the chair at the table. Dream let out one last wheeze and handed me a plate of pancakes.

It looked perfect

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It looked perfect. I moved my hand to the left of the plate and grabbed air. I realized that I tried to grab a fork that wasn't there. Dream chuckled and handed me a fork.

Sapnap walked over and sat at the table too. "Wow mom is cooking right now" Sapnap teased Dream. Dream was pissed. I chuckled a bit, it was hilarious.

I took a piece of pancake and was about to eat it but remembered about my mask. I looked at Dream and then at Sapnap. I slowly took off my mask to Sapnap's horror.

I opened my mouth and started to eat the pancakes. Sapnap was about to say something when Dream stopped him. "Sapnap don't say anything about it. It's her mc character. We all changed a bit, but her mostly." Dream said to Sapnap.

Sapnap glanced at me and then back to Dream, he nodded slowly in agreement. Sapnap realized why I wanted to get out of there so much when we all found out about changing into our characters.

My mouth could open as much as an enderman and it was scaring Sapnap a bit. He shrugged it off for the time being and ate his pancakes. Dream put down another plate and sat down infront of it.

After about 10 mins, we all finished our pancakes, I put my mask back on and then I got up, picked the plates up and put them in the sink. I started to wash the dishes carefully due to my enderman hand.

My hand wasn't going to burn that much thanks to my gloves but it still hurt a bit. I finished washing the dishes and putting them away.

I took off my glove and started to dry my hand off. I had gotten a bit of water on it and it had started to burn. I dried my hand on my shirt and shook my glove a bit before putting it back on.

Sapnap was shocked at my enderman hand but tried to shrug it off aswell. It was a tad hard for him to comprehend but he tried his best.

He hadn't gotten many upgrades from being in the dream SMP like the rest of us, but he had a few upgrades he wasn't aware of yet. I turned and saw him trying not to stare.

"Sapnap, are you aware of your powers? They are some cool ones." I said to him. He looked at me very confused.
"Power? I don't have any though?" He replied.

I giggled a bit and walked towards the stove. I turned it on and the flames got pretty high up. I walked over and grabbed Sapnap's hand and pulled him towards the stove.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now