Chapter 24 "Oops"

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*Dream's POV*

Y/n scared me and teleported away to Ranboo's house. And I decided to get some snacks from the fridge in the meantime. After a few mins, she texted me.

Boo might get in trouble
If anything happens, I will teleport us back but my energy will be low.

Why whats happening?

She didn't answer. A few more minutes had passed and Sapnap joined me in snacking. I glanced to where Y/n would teleport to and she all of a sudden did.

Ranboo had been crying too. She could barely stand up straight, she made sure Ranboo was ok and then passed out. Me and Sapnap ran over to her side and took her to her room.

Ranboo sat next to her on the bed with a teared up face. I left them there and closed the door behind me. I informed the others on what had happened. They were all very worried.

After a few minutes of calming everyone down, Y/n joined another vc in the disc server. We all joined to see if she was ok. I imediately yelled at her, "Y/n! I thought you passed out! You scared me and everyone else!

"Dream I did pass out." She replied. "What do you mean Y/n?" I asked her. She turned on her camera and struck a pose. Ranboo also struck a pose behind her. They both burst into laughter.

I turned on my camera to show her that I was pissed. She eventually stopped laughing and explained what happened when she passed out. I realized something as soon as she finished telling me.

I ran to her room and saw an adorable sight. I took a picture and sent it in the discord. I ran back into my room and saw Y/n turn off her camera. She turned it back on a few seconds later and Ranboo was blushing like heck.

She screenshared for a second before turning off the camera and she looked at Ranboo. He was very red at this point. He did a angry/cute face at her and we saw that she took a screenshot of it.

She turned off the screenshare after that and muted herself. A minute or two later of silence and her being muted, she left the vc.

After talking a bit with the others, I went to her room to see what was going on. They were both passed out cuddling with eachother. "Cute." I thought to myself.

I heard laughter coming from her pc and went towards it. I could see it all like if it was a movie. She was playing with Ranboo. I pressed record just incase she would want to see the footage later and of course, to joke about it.

They even built a house. And after a few hours of doing a ton of stuff, they laid down on the dimly lit grass on the hill near their house. I watched as they talked, ate cake and eventually fell asleep.

I stopped the recording and sent it to myself. It was going to take a few mins due to the size of the recording, but it was going to be worth it.

It finished sending and I went to my room to rest. I closed the door behind me and went into my room. I landed on my bed and played some songs till I fell asleep aswell.

*Y/n's POV*

I could feel the sunlight creeping up on me and I woke up. We were still on the hill in mc. I hugged Boo lightly and he slowly woke up. We nodded and thought of going back irl.

We teleported back to the real world and woke up again. Boo's tail was wrapped around my arm still. He woke up and hugged me. "Good morning princess." he said.

"Good morning Boo." I replied. We slowly got up and I went over to my pc. It was a habit at this point to do so. I saw a new recording that I hadn't done before.

It was hours long too. I opened it and saw that it was me and Boo playing mc for the entire time. I skipped it to the ending and it was when we fell asleep cuddling. I never pressed record and neither did Boo, so how did it record?

I was so confused and concentrated that when I turned around, Boo had changed into comfier clothes. I shrugged and went back to the recording.

I went to my gmail to make sure I somehow didn't send it to anyone when I saw that somehow I sent it to Dream. Unless, it wasn't me. I teleported to Dream to confront him only to see him passed out on his bed.

To be a tad even, I took a picture of him looking ever so comfy in his bed listening to music. I teleported back to my room and was checking all of my accounts to make sure he didn't tamper with anything else.

While I was checking my accounts, I also checked my twitch streams just incase he went live for me or deleted anything. While I was checking it tho, Boo walked over and was watching in amazement as he realized that I was indeed a streamer too.

"Princess?" He asked.
"Yea?" I replied.
"Why didn't you say that you stream?" He asked me.
"Because I want people to watch my stream because it's fun. Not to watch dream SMP members instead of me." I responded as I checked many other accounts.

I was on what seemed like every platform that Boo had ever heard of. "Princess how are you everwhere with like 2 accounts each?" He asked me shocked.

"Well to be found on all platforms no matter where you go and an alt just incase anything happens. A public alt and a personal one too sometimes." I replied. He was really shocked now.

I was on more platforms than them. Alot more. He continued to watch in awe as I went from one account to another and to the different alts on my phones.

The alts were on my backup phones and the mains were on the pc and main phone. I don't think that Boo ever realized how many accounts someone could have and keep up with.

After what seemed like ages of checking it all, I closed all the tabs and games. It was atleast 20 tabs and 5 games. Everything was fine except for the recording on my main xbox account and the sent recording on my main gmail account.

I couldn't ask Dream about it too. He was fast asleep. I leaned back in my chair, tired of checking through so many accounts. Boo got closer and leaned his head on my shoulder.

I smiled and pat his hair a bit. I wanted to listen to some music to calm down a bit but couldn't reach the headphones without disturbing Boo. I reached out a bit and couldn't reach.

Boo grabbed it with his tail and handed it to me. "Thanks Boo." I thanked them. He nodded slowly and then decided to sit on my lap.

He wasn't heavy but I didn't want th3m to fall. He seemed to get comfy enough that he wasn't going to fall. I started to play some music on my headphones and I held them as he cuddled into me.

After a little while, we decided it was time to get up and stay up. He got up and went to the door. I paused my music, took off the headphones and then he walked over to me.

I held his hand and teleported us to the kitchen. We were going to raid the fridge when we realized that we might have to take off our gloves, so we did so.

Both of us had one enderman hand. Boo's other hand however, had toe beans and was adorable. My right hand hadn't changed into my mc skin so I was safe.

Boo seemed to get a bit stressed about how different he was now. He hadn't even turned on his facecam last stream and he always does. I held his hands and looked at them in the eyes.

"Boo, you are beautiful. Embrace it." I said to him. He smiled a bit and we went back to raiding the fridge. After about 10 mins, we had eaten a ton of snacks and veggies from the fridge.

We heard someone walk over so we closed the fridge and teleported to my room. "Phew that was a close one." I said to Boo. He nodded. I saw something green behind them.

"Boo turn around." I said to them. He looked at me confused and turned around. Dream was standing there with his arms crossed. "So Y/n, Ranboo, you two raided the fridge of almost all it's contents in 10 mins huh?" Dream asked us.

"Uh oops?" I said. We both looked at eachother and then back at Dream. Boo grabbed my hand and we teleported away. We teleported to the mall. We quickly got some more snacks and extra ones.

After, we teleported to my room and ate the extra snacks, and after that we put the rest of the snacks in the fridge. As soon as we teleported back, Dream was standing there again.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now