Chapter 48 "50 Gifted Subs"

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I took a shower, put on the clean clothes and teleported into my room. I put the dirt laundry in a pile we had and went to my pc. "Hey Y/n could you entertain chat while I go take a shower too please?" Boo asked me.
"Sure Boo go ahead." I replied.

He took his towel and clean clothes while I sat down in his chair to entertain his chat. "Boo?" I said.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Remember about the water. Be careful." I told them. He nodded.
"Thanks for the reminder Y/n." He said.
"No problem." I replied as he went out the door.

I started to play mc for them by raiding a bastion, a fortress and stalking Dream for no reason. "What the heck Ranboo! Stop chasing me!" Dream yelled in vc. He didn't know it was me. "This isn't like you Ranboo!" He yelled as I crit him.

Ranboo came back in the room holding his arm. "Y/n what are you doing to Dream?" He asked. The mic was on so Dream heard this.
"Y/n?!? Thats you doing this?!?" He yelled. I saw Boo holding his arm so I logged off the dream SMP and left the vc.

"Boo what happened to your arm?" I asked as I walked over.
"I-I got water on it." He replied. I quickly grabbed a dry cloth and held his arm. He removed his hand to show he was bleeding a bit. His blood was light red unlike the normal color its supposed to be.

I quickly wrapped the cloth around his arm and teleported to the kitchen. I grabbed the first aid kit and teleported back to my room. Chat was going crazy but I didn't care. Boo was hurt.

Alcohol would hurt them a ton but it would help to heal. "Boo this is going to burn a lot. Here hold this." I said as I handed them a plushie of Tommy. I grabbed a piece of the cloth and put some alcohol on it.

He held the plushie as hard as he could and I put the cloth on his wound. He did an enderman shriek when I did so. As he was still like that I quickly put some more and put the stuff away. I put the first aid kit away in our room just incase and gave Boo a hug.

"I'm sorry Boo." I said as he held his arm.
"It's ok Y/n I should have been more careful. Thanks for helping me." He replied as he hugged me with both arms. We let go and he walked over to his pc and sat in his chair.

Chat was going crazy. "Chat calm down I'm ok." He told them. Even the mods were worried for him. Meanwhile, I got many delayed notifs from my mods congratulating me on editing the video for Boo.

"Chat! I'm ok don't worry about it!" Boo told chat. I walked over to them and saw chat still going crazy.
"If everyone shuts up because Boo is fine, I will gift 50 subs." I told chat. Everyone started to stop asking.

"Well that really worked." Boo said suprised.
"Yep!" I replied. I walked over to my pc, unplugged the headphones and plugged them into my phone. I started to play Boo's stream.

I pressed gift and gifted 50 subs. Boo stared at me. "I thought you were bluffing." He said. I shook my head.
"Thats it I'm doing a refund." Boo said as he reached for his keyboard.

I got infront of them and the keyboard blocking his path. "No refunds Boo." I told them.
"No I'm refunding it right now." He said.
"Don't make me do it Boo." I told them. He tried to move me out of the way so I sat on his lap.

"I told you Boo." I said. He started to turn red. Chat was about to go crazy again. "Chat, don't even think about it." I told them. The mods helped me to keep chat calm. Boo was really red at this point.

"Boo calm down. You're fine. You are going to survive this for sure." I told him. He shook his head a bit.
"I'm pretty sure I'm not." He replied as his voice wavered.
"You were fine when you put on a skirt and wore it infront of chat and your family." I told them.
"That's different though." He replied.

I took out my phone and opened YouTube. I opened a tik tok compilation of him, skipped it to 15 mins in, turned down the volume and showed it to them. "AHHHH! WHAT IS THAT?!?" He yelled. "It's you." I replied.

"That can't be me!" He protested.
"No no, it's you alright." I told them.
"Wait... that is me.." He said with a small voice crack. I nodded and replayed it.
"W-why? Just why?" He said as I replayed it again and showed it to them.

I shrugged. "Idk it's just funny to watch." I replied.
"But it's not." He said.
"Boo, it is since you legit have done this." I replied. I teleported my headphones into my hand, out them on and started to play some music.

"Y/n can you please get off?" Boo asked still red as heck.
"Only if you agree to not refund my gifted subs." I replied.
"Fine." Boo said. I got up and sat in my chair. He moved closer to his pc and put his hand on the mouse to play mc when he winced and pulled his arm away in pain.

I teleported to next to them and held his hand. "Boo are you ok?" I asked them.
"My arm hurts when I use it." He replied.
"You might need to lay off the gaming and streaming for a little while then to not hurt yourself Boo." I told them.

"But I told chat I was going to stream today." He said.
"Then each time you use that mouse and hurt yourself, I gift 5 subs and it goes up by 5 each time you do so." I said to him.
"Then how will I stream?" Boo asked.

"We can show them where we all went that one day." I replied.
"But...should they know yet?" Boo replied.
"After I start stream so they can see it all, yes." I replied. He nodded. I let go of his hand and went over to my pc.

I went live and turned on my camera. "Hi chat! So as you all know, I will tell you all what's been going on and such. We will wait a minute or two for everyone else to join and don't worry, Boo is live right next to me so you can watch whatever POV." I told chat.

We just sat there awkwardly as Boo tried to grab the mouse multiple times and I stopped them. We waited 3 minutes and I got 27k viewers in total watching. "Alright chat, time for everyone to find out!" I said as I took my Bluetooth Webcam off my monitor.

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