Chapter 27 "Wings"

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I teleported to Dream's living room and fell to the floor. My legs and head hurt like never before. Techno must have had a ton of stuff in his luggage.

Boo ran over to me and hugged me. I felt so dizzy but I had to continue. "Boo, I have to go and get the others." I told him. He shook his head.
"No Y/n I don't want you to get hurt anymore." He replied.

Techno sat down next to everyone watching his own video. "Boo, im going." I told him. I got up and teleported away. I arrived at Philza's house.

I rung the door bell as my head hurt more and more. Kristin answered the door. "Hello, I'm looking for Philza please." I told her. She nodded and let me come in.
"Phil is live at the moment. Nice to meet you, I'm Kristin." She said.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n. And do you happen to know how much longer Phil will be live for?" I replied.
"Maybe an hour or two." She replied. I shook my head a bit. I couldn't wait an hour. Boo would freak out.

"I hope you don't mind but until then, I'm going to rest my head a bit. My head feels like it's going to explode." I said. Before she could say anything, I passed out.

I woke up sometime later to someone saying something. "MATE!" Someone yelled. It scared me and I jumped up and hid behind the couch. It was Philza.

"Sorry Y/n! I just wanted you to wake up." He said. I groaned and felt stuck.
"Phil I'm stuck move out the way." I said a bit muffled due to the couch. He stepped away and I teleported onto the couch.

Kristin was there and was amazed that I could teleport. It wasn't everyday that someone could teleport irl. "Philza, pack your shit we are going on a trip!" I told him.

"Um for what mate?" He asked.
"I'm doing something for Boo. I'm getting the group together for a month." I replied. He immediately ran up the stairs and started to pack.

Kristin sat down next to me and saw that I was a bit dizzy. "Are you ok? You look a littke bit under the weather." She said.
"I'm fine. I just have to get Tommy over to Dream's house by the end of today.

It takes a ton of energy to teleport way over here from florida and especially to teleport me, someone else and their luggage. But it's fine, after all, it's for Boo." I replied.

She nodded slightly and put her hand on my back. "Say Kristin, would you like to hang out with everyone too?" I asked her. She seemed to really like the idea.

"Well go pack and I will teleport us all back." I said to her. She smiled and ran up the stairs, excited to go see everyone. After a little while, they were ready.

The house was locked and the cameras were on just incase of a break in. I smiled, nodded and held their hand. We teleported to Dream's living room where everyone was watching Dream's manhunts.

"Phiiiilza!" Techno shouted as he ran over and hugged Philza. Dream helped Kristin to a room to put their stuff away and someone ran at me at full speed.

They ran into me and hugged me. It was Boo. "Y/n where did you go?" He asked.
"Boo I went to get the others don't you remember?" I replied. He shook his head.

We both had bad memory but his seemed to be worse that day. "Boo, do you want Tommy to come over?" I asked them.
"Yes please Y/n." He replied.

I nodded, gave them a big hug and told him that I would be back. I teleported away and arrived in Tommy's room. He wasn't there. I heard some fuss come from maybe the living room.

I heard his parents telling him off about yelling and cursing. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I saw the front of his house so I could teleport to it.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now