Chapter 36 "Stream"

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I started the stream and greeted everyone who was joining. "Helo everyone! We shall wait a minute or two for everyone else to arrive so they don't miss out on anything. For now, we chill." I told chat.

They all went crazy about how the room where I was streaming looked like. I guess it was pretty pog. After about 4 minutes, I had my usual 2k viewers watching.

I then went to mc multiplayer and scrolled down to join a friends server I was on. Everyone went crazy and told me to scroll up. I was confused so I scrolled up the list of all the servers I was on.

I realized that they had seen that I had been invited to the dream SMP. I told them that it was a fake and that I rarely play on it because of that. "Chat, calm down its a server that's a recreation of the dream SMP, not the actual one." I told them.

They didn't really believe me and I wasn't about to get on to "prove myself correct." They would find out and everyone would watch because it's the dream SMP, not because they really like my content.

I decided to continue to log onto the other server and chat was absolutely crazy about me not logging on the dream SMP. After playing and talking with chat for about an hour, Boo decided to talk.

"Hey Y/n you done streaming yet? I'm bored." He said. I turned towards them. "I'm not done so shush and just play on your phone if you're bored." I replied. I heard a groan and a "fineee." I rolled my eyes and continued to play mc.

Chat really wanted to know who it was that they wouldn't stop bothering me about it. The mods had to timeout a bunch of people that day for that reason. I turned to Boo, angry.

"Look what you have done chat is crazy! There are so many people spamming and getting timed out!" I told them, furious.
"Not my fault you haven't told them yet." He replied with a smug smirk on his face.

"Well I want real viewers not people who are your fans. But if you want to show them, come over." I said. He nodded and walked over slowly. Chat wasn't recognizing them until he leaned over so chat could see them.

"Hi chat! It's me, Ranboo!" He said to everyone while waving. He did have his mask and glasses on as usual but chat was still freaking out about how casual he looked and that he was in my room.

He pulled over the spare gamer chair and sat down next to me. I handed them a spare set of headphones and plugged in a cord so both of us could use our headphones to hear. He put it on and the donations went through the roof.

I had went from 2k viewers to 17k in what seemed like seconds. I was getting a ton of donations and bits. It was hard to keep up with them all too. It was mostly for Boo tho. It was people donating just for Boo to see them and greet them.

Not for my stream or to say hi to me, for them. "Chat, please don't donate if you just want to talk to Ranboo. He has his own channel for that. My stream is just to chill, which is why I didn't say about them living here for a bit." I told them.

Some understood, some left and some got angry at me. Boo backed me up, "Chat, she meant it. And her 2k regular viewers are awesome. She wouldn't mind to have more but she wants them to not be following just to talk to me." He told chat.

Those who didn't agree, left. They weren't going to win against Boo and I. Without acting suspicious, I held Boo's hand, out of sight of chat. It was comforting for them to hold my hand.

I smiled at them and then continued to play mc. We had a bunch of fun with them trying to take over my keyboard to make me fall into lava, scaring me, helping me to find diamonds, helping me with best enchants, etc.

It was really fun but, it was getting late and I had been live for about 4 hours and it was like 3pm. We said goodbye to chat and ended the stream. "Well Boo, you were bored so what do you want to do?" I asked Boo.

"I'm hungry." He replied.
"Say no more!" I said to them as I teleported away. I had teleported into the kitchen and saw something terrible. Dream and George were kissing. I needed bleach, stat.

I decided to get a little bit more revenge and take a photo, so, I did. I then put my phone away and decided to scare him. "DREEEEEEEEAAAAM!" I yelled. He and George jumped quite a bit.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?!?" He yelled back. I rolled my eyes and teleported next to him. I grabbed him and teleported to the living room where I let go of him and took over the kitchen.

I started to get all the stuff ready to cook. Dream was mad and George was confused. In a matter of seconds, I had water heating, meat being chopped up, a pan on the stove with oil and cheese out to grate.

Dream decided to sit down to calm down. It was for his own good to do so anyways. I continued to cook as fast as I could. My plan was to make my favorite food, spaghetti.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now