Chapter 21 "The Mall"

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After teleporting around the house, I was a bit bored and tired. Boo still had a few more hours of stuff to edit too. Dream was in his room playing mc as usual and Sapnap was just *there*.

I was unsure of what Sapnap was doing but I was bored to death. Playing mc alone was boring as f. I laid down on my bed for a quick nap and was falling asleep.

Suddenly, Dream bust in my room. He ran over to me and shook me awake. I was half asleep before he shook me. He scared me so much I punched him and ran under the bed.

Almost immediately, his nose bled a bit. He then realized the error of his ways. "Oops sorry Y/n. I didn't think I would scare you that much." He said as he helped me to come out from under the bed.

"Dream I was half fucking asleep. What else did you expect? Me to hug you?" I angrily replied. He kinda chuckled a bit.
"Sooo, the reason I woke you up is because we are going to the mall.

It has all kinds of mc merch and stuff. I wanted to see if you wanted to join." Dream told me. My eyes lit up and I grinned evily. I really wanted mc plushies.

"Dream we need to go over there. Now." I said to him. He was almost in a cold sweat due to my smile. He slowly nodded as he walked backwards out of the room.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from where I was lying down. I had wrapped around it. I turned it on and went to discord. I sent Boo a message.

Hey Boo
I'm going with Dream to the mall

But I'm almost done with editing! I want to play mc with you again Y/n.
We could make some good content

Too bad.
Aww thanks Boo but there are mc plushies to get
I'm not gonna pass that up Boo

Plushies? Do you like them?

Of course! I adore them!
So thats why I have to get them
See you later Boo <3

Ok see you later Y/n <3

I smiled and turned off the phone. I put it on the bed and ran over to Dream who was in the living room. "Want to bring your phone Y/n?" Dream asked me. I nodded and teleported to my room.

I got my phone and teleported back to the living room. Sapnap was there too. He was going to go with us to restock our shelfs. Dream showed me a picture of the mall and I grabbed his hand.

I grabbed Sapnap's hand too and teleported to the mall. It looked wonderful. It was huge as heck too. "Thanks Y/n you just saved us a few hundred on gas." Dream said.

"Sure no problem now lets go buy those plushies!" I replied as I grabbed his hand and ran all over the place.
"Wait wait wait-" Dream tried to say more but I kept dragging him all over the place.

After a minute or two, he managed to break free from my grasp. "Phew. Ok look, down the 5th isle is where the Minecraft stuff is. The whole back wall is for Minecraft merch and stuff." Dream said.

He looked at me and I was smiling like before. Thats when he knew, he fucked up. I grabbed his hand again and dragged him down the isle.

He sighed and let it happen. At that point, I was quite literally dragging him. Just like I did to the others in the dream SMP. We got to the end of the isle and it was so much mc merch.

I gasped at how much merch was there. It was like all the online mc merch but irl and on a shelf. It was unlike any wall of merch I had seen before.

*Ranboo's POV*

I had about 2 more hours of editing when I got a discord notification. It was Y/n. She was going to the mall but I wanted her to stay.

She went to the mall because it has mc plushies. I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. I continued to edit when my mouth felt odd.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now