Chapter 33 "Boo's Parents"

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I had teleported to Boo's room back in the house where he got kicked out of for a month. I sighed and walked towards the door. I heard someone go by the door so I went outside and followed them quietly.

It was his mother. She seemed to be all alone in the house except for me of course. I watched as she sat on the sofa with her head in her hands. She pulled out her phone to type but sighed and put it aside.

I tried to not startle her so I walked over casually and sat next to her. She was a bit confused but not that scared. "Miss, I understand that you are Ranboo's mother is that correct?" I asked her.

She nodded. We had seen eachother briefly when Boo tried to explain it all but we never really got a good glance at eachother. "Were you the girl with him a few days ago?" She asked me. I nodded in agreement.

I would have been more formal about introducing myself but I needed to get payback for Boo. "Listen, how about we skip the formalities and you just tell me when the axe was broken." I told her.

"Of course. It was broken almost as soon as you two left." She replied. I must admit, I did get a bit mad but I tried to hold it in.
"And when does his father get home?" As soon as I asked her, his father got home.

He opened the door and saw me sitting on the sofa. He looked like he had just seen a ghost too. Well, who could blame him? He had seen my monstrous face. I smiled and he walked towards me until he was towering over me.

I stood up and was just his height.
"You little-" I interrupted him, "Don't even. You hurt Boo and I will make you pay for that." I said as my eyes glowed. He was terrified until his brain processed what I had said.

"Hurt them? I would never!" He replied. I got very angry at him for having the guts to say that to my face.
"There have been many times where he broke into tears due to what you said and did." I told him.

His slight smile turned into a frown. "The stuff you messaged him was monstrous!" I yelled at him. He remembered what he said messaged Boo and felt really bad.

He better have felt bad because he caused Boo so much pain and tormet for something he never asked for. I shook my head, slapped him as hard as I could and teleported back to Boo who was sitting on my bed.

I gave him a hug and heard a small sniff. He must have been crying again. I patted his head and we layed down. We cuddled a bit before getting very comfortable and slowly falling asleep.

I woke up to Boo playing mc on my pc. I could hear the clacking even in my sleep and felt a very strong urge to play mc. I sleepily grabbed my phone, turned it on and put in the password.

I had a list of what to do on what days and today, we were going to go on a date. He had asked me and I agreed but then we ended up going go the beach with the others.

I decided that I was going to put todays plan into action so I got up out of bed, picked out some nice clothes, said good morning to Boo, got my towel and went to take a shower.

When I got back, Boo was on a call with the rest of the dream SMP members who couldn't join us for the month. I teleported to behind them and leaned on them. He giggled and told me he was on a call.

I decided to get comfier and sat on his lap. I practicly snuggled into them there on the spot but I knew that we had a long day ahead of us. Boo possibly forgot but I would remind thrm.

"Y/n, the camera is on." Boo said with a chuckle. It took a few seconds but the realization kicked in and I teleported to onto the bed. I heard everyone laughing and so I decided, frick that. I'm going to be comfy.

I teleported back onto Boo's lap and when I heard laughing again, I flipped them off. The laughing stopped right after I did so. Boo rolled his eyes and patted my head. "Y/n you didn't need to do that." He said with a chuckle.

I turned my head 180° and stared at him. I think I really scared him when I did that so I turned my head back again and teleported to his pc. I decided to check the screenshots to see what he had been up to and what I found was something I didn't expect at all.

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