Chapter 39 "Manhunt Part 2"

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Being yeeted by the dragon reminded me of the dream SMP when I saved Boo. I mean, it was worth it but this time, he was going to need someone else to protect them.

I mgled with my boat and went to attack them. I hit them many times with my axe. It was like he wasn't taking damage. I decided to pull out the "big guns" so to speak and took out my speed pot. I drank it and heard them chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and drank my strength pot. As soon as I did, he ran and even used some ender pearls to get away. Unfortunatly for them, I had ender pearls too. I went after them and crit them a few times. No doubt about it, he was low.

I had a trick up my sleeve thanks to his trap too. He ran and threw his sword at me. I stopped to get it and he stopped too. I saw him breifly hold a bed. He was going to blow me up with it. I took out my bow and aimed it at them.

"Noooooo!" I heard them yell when I shot at them. He was low so it killed them. He wasn't going to get back anytime soon. His lava wouldn't allow it. I ran towards the Ender Dragon and started to bow it.

Suddenly, when the dragon perched, Boo was back. He had fire res particles. "How?!?" I yelled as he hit me into the dragon and I got yeeted up.
"The first time you went to the nether, you were trading and left a fire res pot!" He replied as I mlged with a boat.

We seemed to be equally matched in skill. This, was going to be hard to win. I charged at them and crit them a few times before he put up his shield and attacked me back. I heard the Ender Dragon and ran behind them.

As soon as I heard it get closer, I moved out of the way and it ran into them. It then attacked them with it's breath and he almost died. He ate a golden apple and ran for it. I chased after them and when the dragon perched, I drank my second strength pot and attacked it.

It was now at ¼ of it's full health. Boo ran towards me and placed a bed. I used an ender pearl and got away with half a heart. Boo on the other hand, didn't get away from the blast and he also did a good amount of damage to the dragon.

He got back with the same fire res particles so I killed them before he could get his stuff. He came back once again and I knew that the fire res pot he used was the last one he had. I ran towards the dragon when it started to perch.

I shot at it and then at Boo. He got to under the dragon with an Ender pearl and was trying to hit me into it. I hit them into the dragon and he must have gotten yeeted about 200 blocks up.

He barely managed to mlg on that one. I ran back over to the dragon and did a few crits on it before it lifted off. It was a one hit. I pulled out my bow and aimed at it. I let go of the button to fire and got hit by Boo with his bow but it didn't work. I was low now.

I had hit the dragon and it was dying. I got the achievement "Free The End" and went to collect the xp when he crit me out of nowhere and I died. I still won and I screamed, "FUCK YEAAA HAHA I WON!" Boo wasn't as happy.

"NOOO YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO WIN!" He yelled back. I started to wheeze like Dream while he went on and on about how he was supposed to win. He took down the greenscreen and put it back in Sapnap's room while I stopped recording on our pcs.

He walked back in and his tail could show that he was pissed. He started to complain about it all and then Dream walked in. "Y/n I can't have you and Ranboo screaming when I'm streaming." He told me.

I rolled my eyes. "Dream I'll send you the mc video that was the reason that Boo and I was screaming. So chill. You barely stream anyways." I replied. "Alright." He said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

I went back to my pc and sent him the video. It wasn't even edited so it was legit 3 hours long. It was a long video but he wouldn't be able to complain about it later and I was going to get him to edit it for me cuz why not.

Boo was still in disbelief that he lost. He was sitting at his pc looking at everything and trying to calculate where he went wrong. I walked over to them and naturally, sat on his lap again.

"Princess, what are you doing?" He asked me.
"Trying to get you to calm down about losing." I replied. He gave me a hug and I hugged them back.
"Gg." He said.
"Indeed Boo, gg." I replied. I gave them a kiss on the cheek and went back to my pc.

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