Chapter 18 "Irl"

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I woke up in my bed holding my necklace. It was the one from the dream SMP. I had my mask and gloves on still. I got up and rushed towards the mirror.

I took off the mask and saw that I was like my mc character a bit. The book was right. The changes weren't going away.

I could still teleport and my left hand looked like an enderman hand but it was worth it. I ran to my pc to check discord but didn't see any notifications.

Maybe Dream forgot. Maybe..he didn't care. I thought about how it all might have gone to waste when I got a notification. It was a few of them.

I glanced up at my pc and saw some friend requests. It was Dream, Ranboo, Techno, Tubbo, and many more. I accepted them all and got invited to the dream SMP discord server.

I joined and saw some people in vc. I joined and heard Dream, Ranboo and the others greet me. I was very happy to hear everyones voice again even if it had only been a few minutes.

Tubbo turned his camera on and showed that Micheal was somehow there with him irl. It was amazing to know that they would be able to hang out together and that Micheal wouldn't have to stay at home all alone in Snowchester.

"Well now he can't simply stay alone in Snowchester huh?" I said. Ranboo chuckled a bit.
"Wait, Y/n, you can teleport so why don't you try teleporting to one of us?" Dream asked me.

"I could try it. But shouldn't I pack first?" I asked Dream.
"If you want but don't you want to stay with your family?" He asked me.

I didn't reply. I didn't want to stay with my family. They hated me for streaming. I would never want to stay with them or miss them. "Dream, I can assure you, I will never want to stay with my family." I replied.

"Why not Y/n?" Dream asked me.
"Thats a story for a different day Dream. But for now, I will pack. So take a picture of your living room so I can tp there later." I responded.

"Alright I'll go get Sapnap to take the picture." Dream replied. Suddenly, we heard a loud "SAPNAAAAAP! COME HERE!"

It was Dream calling Sapnap over but man was that a loud scream.
"The fuck do you want Clay?!?" Sapnap yelled as he bust in Dream's room.

"Take a picture of the living room! Y/n needs it to teleport here." Dream responded. "Ugh finee." Sapnap said as he went to the living room.

I started to pack up my stuff when I heard a loud knocking at my door. I went over and opened it a little bit only for my mother to bust in.

Y/n! Or whatever you call yourself now. You didn't pay the rent and you ate my food! Get out of my house! You have 30 minutes to move the fuck out!" She yelled before slamming the door on me and leaving.

I sat down on my chair stressed out to the max. "Fuck sake. I payed the rent. I didn't eat their food. And still get kicked out." I muttered to myself.

"When was the last time you ate Y/n?" Ranboo asked me. "Well thanks to mc, only a few minutes ago. Irl? Maybe a day or two." I responded.

"Y/n, you're moving in with me right now. And you're eating something." Dream replied.
"Ok let me pack then. Give me 30 mins. In the meantime, I can still talk in the vc." I said.

We talked about what happened in mc that no one saw, like stupid mistakes and dumb ideas. After 25 mins, I packed my pc and joined the vc on mobile.

I had everything packed after 5 more mins. "Ok Dream send me the picture of the living room." I said to Dream. He sent it, put on his mask and turned on his camera.

I concentrated and teleported over there. As soon as I got there, I collapsed. It wasn't easy to teleport halfway around the earth.

Dream heard a thunk from his living room and ran over. He saw me sitting on the floor in a bit of pain. He helped me to get up and we went to his room.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now