Chapter 49 "Dream Face Reveal"

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I took the Webcam off my monitor and held it facing Boo. "Boo say hi to chat." I said as I got the camera closer to them.
"H-Hi chat." He said.
"Good Boo." I said to them. I handed them the Webcam and teleported to the living room where everyone was hanging out since they knew about my plan.

I paused my music and put my headphones around my neck. "So, imma bring chat over. Is everyone ok with that?" I asked them.
"Sure" Dream replied.
"Yep we are ready mate" Philza replied.
"If I get twitch prime then I'm in." Techno replied. Tommy and Tubbo nodded.

Bad agreed and Micheal tried to copy Tubbo's nod. I smiled at Micheal's imitation of Tubbo's nod and teleported back to my room where Boo had awkwardly placed the Webcam trying to only use one hand. "Ok Boo, everyone is ready and Dream is ready to do his face reveal." I said to Boo.

"Wait he is doing a face reveal?" Boo asked suprised.
"Yep he agreed to do a real one this time for my stream." I replied.
"That's so cool what the heck!" Boo replied.
"Mhm!" I replied. I grabbed the Webcam and put it on my shoulder.

"Ok chat, you shall have my POV of it all. Watch and learn!" I told chat as I grabbed Boo by the hand and pulled them to get out of the chair.
"Wait wait Y/n you can just teleport." Boo said just as I was about to yeet them out of his chair.

"Right I almost forgot about that." I replied. He was confused and about to say something when I suddenly teleported to the living room. "Helo everyone care to say hi to chat?" I asked everyone.

"Helooo!" Techno replied.
"Hi." Dream replied.
"Hi mate, hi chat!" Philza replied. I let go of Boo and grabbed my Webcam. I went closer to Dream and the camera focused on him.
"Hi chat. Hi Y/n." He said.

*(Art Not Mine)*"Hello Dream

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*(Art Not Mine)*
"Hello Dream." I said as I did my creepy grin.

"Y/n, no. Don't do that smile." Dream said as he got up and went to the kitchen.
"But Dream~" I said as I followed him.
"Y/N DON'T! HEEELP!" He screamed as he ran to his room. Everyone bust into laughter.

I turned to Philza and Techno to see Philza brushing Techno's long pink hair.

*(This took ages to draw)*

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*(This took ages to draw)*

"Well "your highness", looks like you are having a good time." I said to Techno. He nodded as Philza continued to brush his long pink hair.
"Yeah I'm just fine here having Philza attend to my every need." Techno replied.

"Well it certainly looks like it." I replied.
"His hair is so long and soft mate. You don't get it, it's silky-smooth." Philza said.
"Let me brush it then." I replied.
"Nah mate it's Techno's hair." He replied.

"Fineee." I replied. I turned to Tommy and Tubbo and showed chat Micheal.
"Look chat doesn't Micheal look absolutely adorable?" I said to chat. Tubbo picked him up and put him next to them on the couch.
"Look at the camera Micheal all of chat wants to see you!" Tubbo said.

Micheal did a cute giggle and waved at the camera. "Micheal can you say pogchamp or sub with prime?" Tommy said.
"Sub with prime!" Micheal said as he giggled.
"Awww that's so cute and he has a point chat! Subscribe with prime!" I said to them.

I handed Boo the Webcam and gave Micheal a hug. I then pat Tommy on the head and took the Webcam from Boo. "Hey Bad get over here!" I yelled. He came down the stairs and into the view of chat.
"What happened Y/n? Is everything ok? He asked.

"Yeah I just wanted for chat to see how you look after the dream SMP." I replied.
"Did you tell them about that yet?" Bad asked.
"Nope, imma show them later when we all get on the dream SMP." I replied.

He nodded and went back to his room. "Ok chat, you have seen enough face reveals for today so tune in next stream to see what everyone means by what happened on the dream SMP!" I said to them as I grabbed Boo and teleported to our room.

He sat down in his chair and I ended my stream. Before I had, I had 50k viewers since I made Dream do a half face reveal and showed them around his house a bit. Boo said goodbye to his stream aswell and told them to tune into my next stream as everyone from the dream SMP would be there.

He ended his stream and turned to me, who was trying to put the Webcam back on the monitor. He got up and helped me to put it back since he was taller and could reach it easier. "Thanks Boo." I said.
"You're welcome princess." He replied.

"You must be happy you can call me that since we aren't live." I said to them with a chuckle.
"I kind of am because you can call me Boo and I can't call you princess." He replied.
"Knew it." I replied. We laughed a bit and looked out the window to see a few snowflakes, a few rain drops and a nice cloudy sky.

"You really like this weather don't you?" Boo asked. I nodded.
"Yes it's really nice to see when I look out the window." I replied.
"Well we better tell the others to get ready for your stream tomorrow." Boo said.
"Mhm." I replied.
"Let's go do that." I said.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now