Chapter 15 "The Rest Of The Group"

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"Can everyone stop staring? I'm mostly an enderman. It's not a good idea to stare at me or my enderman friend". I said to everyone.

Everyone looked away and some went to put the stuff they gathered away in chests. Dream walked over towards me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n, I think your friend will be fine. Don't worry." Dream said.
"I know but I'm still going to be worried. They are my friend, I will always worry about a hurt friend." I responded.

I stared at Ranboo and he nodded. He walked away holding my ender friend to put him onto a bed so they can recover. "Did you teach him how to look at endermen?" Dream asked me.

"Yes. But the enderman has to be ok with it. His eye is like the old endermen. They couldn't really look at eachother in the eyes back then.

However, since im mostly part enderman and my eye is purple like the new endermen, I can look at them in the eyes and communicate with them like if I was one of their own." I responded.

"Wow. Thats amazing Y/n! Man if I had that power it would be so cool." Dream said.
"Not really Dream. Due to whats happening the more we stay here, its a curse. And it wont be reversed.

So tell me, have you had any power boosts or anything bad after the headache?" I replied.

"How did you know about the headache? And power boosts? Irreversable curse? Y/n, what is going on?" Dream asked me confused.

I handed Dream the book. He read it and stared at me. "But, this means that if we stay for any longer, you and Ranboo will be deathly allergic to water..." Dream started to get worried.

"Don't worry Dream. If I do become my mc character, I have a small trick up my sleeve. Ranboo however, needs to get out of here as soon as possible.

Get everyone ready to fight the Ender Dragon tomorrow. Let them sleep peacefully tonight." I said as I put my hand out and took the book back.

Dream nodded. I went up the stairs into Ranboo's room. Ranboo was sitting on the bed writing in his Do Not Read book.

I sat next to thrm and his face started to turn a bit red as he continued to write in the book. He was writing about me. He was writing about how nice, cool and adorable I was.

No wonder he was red. I chuckled a bit and leaned on them. He wrote in his book for a little while longer before closing it and putting it in his enderchest.

"Boo?" I said.
"Yes Y/n?" He replied.
"I'm going to go look for everyone else. Take care of yourself and my ender friend ok?" I said to Ranboo.

"But Y/n, it's late you can't go look for everyone else at this time of night!" Ranboo protested.
"Don't worry Boo, I'll be fine. Just take care of everyone. And if I'm not back by morning, take charge and tell the others what to do." I responded.

Ranboo tried to stop me but I had already gotten up and was putting my armor on to go look for everyone else. There wasn't much he couldn't do at this point to stop me.

"Be safe Y/n." He said to me.
"Take care Boo." I replied as I walked out the door. I was almost out of the mansion when I heard a voice behind me. Y/n. Where do you think you're going at this time?

I turned around and saw Dream with his arms crossed. "Don't worry about it Dream. Just do what Ranboo says tomorrow." I responded as I walked out the door.

He didn't have time to say anything. Once outside, I started to run to the holy land. If I used my speed potions, I could look all over the dream SMP by midday tomorrow.

I was going to find everyone who was missing. I swore it.

The next day, I was still running. I saw my last stop in the distance. My legs hurt from running but I had to find everyone else.

It was a huge tree. I ender pearled up to the top and saw 7 people inside. "Phew thats almost all of them now." I thought to myself.

I pulled out some shears and used them to break the leaves and place them back. I fell into the treehouse and didn't land on my feet.

"Owww" I said while on my stomach face down on the wood floor. It really hurt to fall on my face like that. I got up and saw 8 people. One had been crouching.

A girl walked towards me and helped me up. Her nametag said "Aimsey". "Thanks Aimsey. I appreciate it." I said to her.

For a moment she started to freak out before realizing that I had read her nametag. She shook my hand, "Nice to meet you Y/n. Thats a nice name you have!" Aimsey said.

"Ah thank you. Your name is pretty pog too." I responded. She tried to introduce me to everyone but I ran up to Quackity.
"Yoo hola Quackity! Me da mucho gusto verte!(yoo hello Quackity! It's a pleasure to meet you!)" I said to him.

"Hola a ti tambien Y/n!(hello to you too Y/n!)" He responded.
"Ok we need to get to Snowchester everyone. We are going to fight the Ender Dragon 20 times to get out of here." I said to everyone.

They were all shocked but followed me out of the treehouse. "So why do we have to beat the Ender Dragon Y/n?" Aimsey asked me.
"Well if we defeat it 20 times, we beat the game and if we beat the game we can get out of here." I responded.

"Why would we need to leave?" Eryn asked me.
"Unless you want to have a painfull ending, you can fight the dragon with us." I replied.

"What kind of ending man?" Quackity asked.
"A painful and disgusting one. Depending on your mc character is how your ending may be. If you're like Ranboo or me, it would be the most painful ending ever." I replied.

"But why would it be more painful for you and Ranboo?" Aimsey asked me.
"Because of what our mc characters are. We would be torn apart from the inside out if we stayed here for more than 2 weeks total." I responded.

Aimsey and the others were shocked. For the rest of the way, they didn't ask anymore questions. As we got closer to the mansion, we could see a group surrounding something.

I ran as fast as I could and used an ender pearl. I landed infront of Dream. Everyone was surrounding Dream, Ranboo and my enderman friend.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now