Chapter 22 "What Happened"

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"I need you to help me tell my parents about...this." He said as he took off his mask and right glove. He looked a bit like an enderman.

His hand was an enderman hand, he had sharp teeth and his eyes were like those of his character. "Boo, I will help you don't worry. But your tail, where is it?" I asked him.

"What??" He replied. I walked over to him and moved his jacket a bit. A tail popped out from under it. He was shocked to see that. "H-how did you know about that when I didn't?" Boo asked me.

"When I read the book while we were still in the dream SMP, I saw your tail move faster. You could move it better than before and each time we had the headaches, we could move our enderman hands better.

With that logic, I deduced that your tail must have stayed too." I replied. He was shocked.
"Y/n, my parents will freak out. I'm not exactly human anymore." He replied looking down.

"Boo, if they freak out, I will give them a different reason to freak out so they hate me and not you." I responded while lifting his head up. He smiled a bit and nodded.

"Lets go tell them then Boo." I said to him. He frowned a bit and then nodded. He went out of his room and down the stairs to the living room. I stayed behind him but out of view.

His parents were having tea. "Oh hi Ranboo what is it?" His mother asked them.
"Mom, Dad I have something to tell you. Something happened last night." He said as he sat down next to them.

"Ranboo what happened? Is everything ok dear?" His mom asked. She sounded worried.
"When I went to bed, I was somehow in the dream SMP. Everyone was. All my friends.

When I woke up, we all remembered it and can go back. But while we were there, we started to change into our mc characters the longer we stayed." He replied.

His mom and dad were confused. "Dear, what do you mean? You're not part enderman now are you?" His mother asked worriedly. His father looked at them and saw the tail and eyes.

"Ranboo, does that explain the fake tail and contacts?" His dad asked.
"Dad it's not fake. It's real." Boo replied as he moved his tail. They were both shocked. He took off his mask and showed them the teeth and enderman hand.

His father started to get mad. "So this is what happens when you play games all day?!? Pack your stuff. You are not allowed here for the next month!" His father yelled at them. Boo put on his mask and ran to me sobbing.

I stepped out of the shadows and hugged them. "And who are you?!?" His father yelled at me. I let go of Boo and walked towards him.
"I'm the one who died to save him. If I hadn't, he would have woken up dead. You're welcome." I replied as I took off my mask to show the monster I was.

He froze in fear. "And that, is what happened. See you later, "Sir"." I replied angrily. I teleported to right next to Boo and walked with them back to his room. I helped them pack and soon enough, his stuff was packed up and ready to go.

There was loud knocking on the door. "Ranboo! Get that girl over here! She is a monster!" His father yelled. Ranboo shook his head and opened the door.

He stood infront of me to protect me. "She is no monster dad. She saved my life. Im going to live with her for the month you have kicked me out for." Boo replied as he walked towards me. He held my enderman hand and said,

"Lets go now Y/n." I nodded. I closed my eyes while his father looked at them confused. I concentrated and teleported away.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now