Chapter 35 "Immortality"

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"When there are 30 new members to the dream SMP, they will be glitched into it and do the same thing you and your group did. You and your group will face their counterparts and if you win, you will have immortality.

If you lose, you stay in the dream SMP forever. This cycle will continue for decades. Good luck."

It was shocking to read this. This meant that we could live till the end of time! This could even mean that when things go wrong, we can live in the dream SMP. This, was perfect.

All we needed was to fight our counterparts for this power. Suddenly, a new sentance appeared in the book.

"Immortality- you live forever in the dream SMP but will only get +30 years irl."

I scoffed. That was a bit crap. It was 30 years but it had said immortality which means forever. I shook my head and teleported me and Dream back to irl.

I put the book away where I would forget it and teleported to the living room. "Y/n what happened?" Boo asked worriedly. Before I could open my mouth, I forgot about what the book said.

"Dream had to fight a Dreamon but it's fine now Boo don't worry." I replied with a smile. Boo hugged me and everyone went back to their stuff. Dream put his hands in his hoodie and began to walk away when he ran into George by accident.

They both fell and Dream fell backwards. Boo was going to make sure they were ok but I held them back for a second. Dream and George turned so red. I took a picture and we watched as they started to talk to eachother again.

They then apologized and started to awkwardly talk to eachother. Boo looked at me and saw that I sas grinning. I knew that was going to happen and I loved it. Now, Dream couldn't cause too much of a fuss when I got very close to Boo's face because George was on top of him for a sec.

I turned to Boo and smiled. I got close to his face and he knew what I meant by that. He took off his mask, then mine and gave me a smooch. Dream saw that and got so pissed.

Boo and I put our masks back on and saw George trying to hold Dream back from attacking Boo. "Oooo~ George do you like holding Dream by there?" I said teasing him. George had been holding Dream back by the waist.

He turned a bit red and Dream just quit working entirely. "Welp I think I broke him." I said before grabbing Boo's hand and teleporting to my room. I had teleported us to the bed because I was tired.

"Are you tired princess?" Boo asked while playing with my hair a bit. I nodded in agreement. He pulled me closer to them and I leaned on them. After a few minutes of them playing with my hair, I was almost completly asleep so Boo lied down on the bed and pulled me close.

I let out a big yawn and then snuggled into them, falling asleep almost immediately. It was comfy and the temperature of the room was perfect. I even heard some light rain as I fell asleep. My last thought was that Boo and I had a fun time today.

I woke up in Boo's arms and rain pouring outside. I loved rainy days so much. I decided to wait to get up to not wake Boo up. After about half an hour, Boo awoke. He looked a bit tired but comfy. I gave them a warm smile and I got up. He tried to pull me back so we could sleep in but I continued and went to my pc.

I heard them groan and turn away, upset. I rolled my eyes and set up Twitch. I had been planning to stream today. I had planned it since my last stream and my fans wanted another stream. My Twitter notifs were off the charts. Everyone missed me a ton.

"Boo, I'm going to go live so try to not show up on stream ok?" I told them. He groaned and agreed. I set up mc and all my equipment. After about 15 mins, I was ready. I tweeted that I would stream in 5 mins and everyone went crazy.

I got thousands of likes and retweets in just 3 minutes. It was amazing. I got a new notification and checked it. Boo was now following me on Twitter. "Thanks Boo." I said to them.
"Mhm" he replied.

I ajusted my headphones and pressed the start stream button.

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