Chapter 43 "Dinner"

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As I looked out the window and cuddled with Boo, I felt 2 gazes again. It wasn't Boo. He was looking out the window. I teleported my phone to me and opened the camera. I switched it and saw that Philza and Techno were watching.

I rolled my eyes and closed my camera. I opened my gmail and sent him an email. "Philza do you really have to be doing this? It's odd to randomly have you watching me and Boo." I said in my email.

His phone got a notification and he checked it. He stopped smiling. He didn't know I used my camera to see. He thought that I managed to see him without even using me eyes or senses.

I sent him a message on discord instead. "Philza I did see you but not by turning my head. If you want to creep up on me like that, don't stare." My message said.

How did you see me??
I was out of your sight and you didn't even turn your head to look

Easy, I got my phone out, turned on the camera, switched it to selfie and saw you and Techno.

Wow. But how did you even know I was there? You found out almost as soon as I got here

Ez, I can tell when someone is looking at me.

I smiled and turned off my phone. I heard a very small snap and knew exactly what he had done. He had taken a picture. I turned my phone back on and messaged him again.

Send me that photo ok

Alright mate
*insert beautiful photo here*

Thanks Philza

Yeah no problem Y/n

I downloaded the photo and sent it to Boo on discord. His phone got a notification and he ignored it. He would have to get up to grab it. I teleported his phone to them and he checked it.

He looked at the doorway and saw Philza standing there. Techno had left Philza there alone. Boo sent them a message and I saw Philza do a smile like he knew he deserved it.

I rolled my eyes and sent Boo the picture Philza had taken of me kissing them. Before he could get mad at Philza, I sent them a picture I had taken before cooking. He stifled his laughter a bit and sent it to Philza who as soon as he saw it, broke into laughter.

I sent Boo a few normal memes and few cursed memes of the dream SMP. Including the time he said, "we have yet to hear from the big D on wether or not we can be hard" it was from a time him and Tubbo wanted to know if the server was on hard mode.

Boo burst out into laughter when he read that. I decided to send him a poem I found too. This one was very funny. It read,

it was so hilarious

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it was so hilarious. Boo laughed and sent it in the group discord chat. Philza couldn't contain his laughter at all at this point and ran out the room to show the others the memes.

I heard Tommy randomly laugh from the living room. He must have seen the meme. Me and Boo continued to show eachother memes we had found on our phones and went thru about 300 of them each.

It was 8pm when we stopped due to running out of memes and had checked the time.
"Boo it's late. Where do you want to go to eat dinner?" I asked them. Tommy burst in and yelled, "CHINESE FOOD!" Me and boo burst into laughter.

We looked at eachother and nodded. I teleported to infront of Philza's room and knocked. "Yea mate come in!" He said. I opened the door and walked in. He was live, of course. I closed the door behind me and walked over just out of view of the camera.

"I didn't mean to interrupt the stream Philza but it's late, Tommy, Wilbur, Boo and I are hungry and we are all going to get chinese food. Want to come with?" I asked him and Kristin.
"Sure mate give me 30 minues." He replied.

I nodded and started to leave when he stopped me. "Y/n wait!" He said. I stopped and turned around.
"Yes Philza?" I replied.
"Do you stream on Twitch?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Have you told your chat about this meetup yet?" He asked.
"They have only seen Boo and that he will stay for a month. They know nothing about the meetup." I replied.

"Do you want to tell them?" He asked.
"Not really. They will just watch to see the other members of the dream SMP not me. My channel is to relax and have fun. Its sometimes chaotic but not too often and it's my real fans not stans of others." I replied.

He nodded in agreement. I walked closer to the camera and was behind Philza now. "You know, I can still do self promo so imma do that." I told him. Before he could say anything, I started to self promote.

Hello everyone! I have a Twitch channel at if you just want to chill, come hang out!" I told chat. I then leaned over to show everyone what I looked like. I had my mask and gloves on but I still wanted them to see who is self promoting on Philza's channel.

I saw a few of my viewers in his chat and greeted them before leaving to get ready to go to dinner. I walked towards the door again and went outside. I closed the door behind me and teleported to Boo.

He was wearing a casual Philza merch hoodie, some regular pants and some nike shoes. "Geez Boo I said look normal not formal amd stylish as fuck" I told him with a giggle.
"This is casual though?" He replied confused.

"Boo I was saying you look very nice today without saying it." I replied.
"Ohhh now I get it." He said with a smile.
"Do you have any merch I could borrow?" I asked them. He nodded and walked over to his suitcases. He still hadn't put stuff away or anything.

He pulled out some dream hoodie merch and handed it to me. I put it on and it was huge. Boo was really trying to not laugh. "Of course it's in your size Boo. This will never fit me." I told them.

I chuckled a bit and he accidentaly let his laugh out and burst into uncontrollable laughter. Tommy, Tubbo, Micheal, Dream and Wilbur passed by my door, ready to go eat some food.

I grabbed Boo's hand and dragged them to the living room. I got there and everyone turned around when they heard Boo complaining about being dragged. Tommy was really not trying to not laugh at how big the hoodie was on me.

Dream was silently wheezing to death. "Ok I'm ready let's go now mate!" Philza said behind me. I moved out the way and he sat next to the others on the couch. "Philza get your ass up off the couch we aren't going to wait for an uber." I told him.

"It's said sofa not couch!" Tommy complained.
"I don't really want to go to places with kids." Wilbur said as he got up. I rolled my eyes and walked to the middle of the room.
"Whoever stays will not get food today or leftovers of the food. I'm also paying for all this anyways." I told them.

Kristin sat next to Philza, Techno sat back down and Tommy stopped complaining about the "sofa". Dream finished wheezing and was almost completly calm now. "Everyone get over here and hold hands in a circle." I told them.

"Why do we need to do that?" Tubbo asked.
"You will see. Dream already knows anyways." I replied. Everyone held hands in a circle and I teleported us to the restaurant.

It All Started With A Glitch (Ranboo x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now