Chapter 5 "The 2 Groups"

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"Omg Tubbo I'm so sorry for that" I said as I put my sword away and moved out of his way.
"Don't worry about it! I would have done the same if something unknown had run up to Ranboo too." Tubbo replied. He hugged Ranboo and did a special handshake with Tommy before walking over to me.

"So whats your name?" He asked me. "It's Y/n, and it's really nice to meet you Tubbo." I responded.
"Well hello to you too Y/n, it's nice to meet you too." He said smiling. I smiled back.

"Well then, come inside everyone. Its freezing outside." He said chuckling a bit. Since it was mc and irl at the same time, we couldn't feel that much cold or fire.

We all walked into Tubbo and Ranboo's small house. Tubbo brought us some pumpkin pie and water to drink.
"So it seems that we all got tped here?" Tubbo asked.
"Yea and it might have been everyone from the dream SMP too. We don't even know how to get back yet" I responded.

"Oh. Yea thats bad" Tubbo said.
Dream got an idea, "what if we have to kill the ender dragon?" He asked.
"Well 3 reasons Dream, one, I haven't beaten the dragon without dying atleast once to 10 times so thats not a good idea in my book.

Two, if there are others out there and going thu the portal we get out of here, how would they find that out?
Three, the end isn't allowed." I said before taking a bite of the pie.

"That's a good point but if the second part is really the case then should we get everyone from the dream SMP through the portal? Because that would mean staying here till everyone is back home.
And I'm sure that since DreamXD is my alt account, we can go to the end." Dream said looking at me for answers.

"Hmm...well to get everyone, we would need to tell them, so how do we get to chat? You have cannon access to creative mode Dream so we can use that to get everyone here safe and sound." Dream liked my idea but had some doubts.

"How do we open chat then Y/n? It's not going to be that easy." He asked looking at me. "Well to find out, we need something to appear in chat.." I said thinking of what would help us to access chat.

"Death messages normally appear in chat." Dream mumbled.
"No we wont resort to that Dream. All we need is a pet with a nametag and that will do the trick." I responded before finishing the pie.

"So how to we get the nametag?" Dream asked.
"Wdym how? We fish!" I responded as I got up.
"Wait but what about Michael? Tubbo said. We all turned to him confused as heck.

"Michael is alive and looks like a real little kid but with his features. We can't leave him here" Tubbo said worriedly. "Don't worry Tubbo we can take him since you dont have to use boats anymore." I responded.

Tubbo went up the ladder and opened the trapdoor. He picked up Michael and brought him down. Almost as soon as he turned around, the room burst into a bunch of "Awww"s and "how cute"s.

Michael was truly cute. He was absolutely adorable. He giggled a bit and smiled. Everyone erupted into more "Aww"s and "how cute"s.

There was no denying that Michael was cute but we needed to find a way to safely take him with us

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There was no denying that Michael was cute but we needed to find a way to safely take him with us. I got an idea. I made a crafting table and placed it down.

Everyone redirected their attencion to me, who was making something. I knew that there would be mobs no matter what. Even if it was broad daylight.

So, I made 2 sets of diamond armor and brought it over to Tubbo. I told Tubbo, "one set is for you and the other set is for Michael to wear incase we find any mobs." Tubbo nodded in agreement.

"We need to get our original armor back." Said Dream.
"Ah yes, thanks for reminding me Dream, you see, I have a hunch on where it might be." I responded.
"Then where is it?" Asked Tubbo.

"Our Enderchests should have it" I said. "They can't be there, all of our enderchests are full of stuff already. The armor wouldnt fit in there." Replied Dream.

"Ok but atleast check the chest Dream." I replied as I pointed to the enderchest. Dream walked over and opened it. "Umm there is a shulker box here named armor and the 29 iron blocks that were there are gone now." He responded.

He took out the shulker box and we instantly heard, "what the-? I grabbed the shulker box and then the iron blocks apeared back there again."

"Well I guess this means everyone can get their armor back then." I responded as Dream placed the shulker and grabbed it all.
"Well then everyone, go ahead and get your armor back!" I said.

Tubbo asked if I could hold Michael and I agreed. Tubbo and everyone else went towards the enderchest and got the shulker box out. Dream broke the shulker box to get it back but it didn't drop.

As soon as everyone else got their armor and tried to collect the shulker, it broke and didn't drop.
"I guess that fixes the problem of everyone getting a shulker thanks to that." I said, chuckling a bit.

Dream looked at me still confused. He was wondering how I knew to check in the enderchest. "How did you know to check in the chest?" He asked me.

"Well it would be the safest place for stuff to be. Why wouldn't it be there?" I responded.
"Ok but like, you knew" he said.

"Once again Dream, it was a guess. And I wanted you to check to see if my guess was correct." I responded while the others put their armor on.

"We should look for Sapnap next" said George. Dream nodded.
"Where the hell would he be anyways?" TommyInnit asked.
"I know, why don't we split up in teams and go look for everyone else?" Tubbo chirped in.

"That's a good idea Tubbo! Dream, you, Michael and me will be in one group. George, Tommy and Ranboo in the other group. That way we can find more people." I responded.

Tommy looked at me and then at Ranboo. He sighed and agreed to split up to search for more people. A few minutes later we had our stuff and armor ready to go.

We went outside and decided where to head off to. "Well see you all later when we meet back up" I said.
"Yea see you later Y/n." Ranboo responded.
"Stay safe" Tommy mumbled.

I smiled and we split up.

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