What is Reality?

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What is Reality?

What passes by the eye,

What passes by the eye that we do not see?

Left to be forever unseen,

Things that we choose to ignore,

Or things that our souls wish not-

Not for us to see,

Or not for our fragile hearts to feel.

What passes by the eye,

Leaving us sheltered and naïve,

Fragile but strong in the heart.

Leaving us to decipher the world around us.

Will we hear all there is to hear?

Will we see everything there is to be seen?

Will we feel every feeling to be felt?

Or will our soul shelter our heart-

While our heart struggles to grasp reality.

Craving fear and danger with a child’s lust-

Filled with naïve curiosity.

What passes by the eye,

Fluttering by without a thought-

Without a thought following behind,

A shrouded event hiding in the shadows.

Waiting and hoping for the soul,

The soul brave enough to question-

To question the existence,

To question the events that had happened.

And the ones that have not.

What runs by when we turn our back?

What hides in the shadows?

What sings a song that is heard by not,

And what flutters by-

Leaving not a thought.

What passes by the eye,

Beauty that is not seen

Love that is not felt

Hatred not yet begun

Fires that haven’t started

Songs not yet sung

Wisdom not yet known

Evil protected from the heart

What does pass by the eye?

And what does not?

Something that we never want to know?

Or something that we never want to feel?

Something that causes our heart to beat?

Or something that causes our hearts to stop?

Forever leaving us in question,

What is reality?

What the Eye Does Not See (a collection of poems)Where stories live. Discover now