Words left Untold (Part III)

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Memories of the past

Kill me,

Happy memories buried within the bad

Cause my heart to cry tears of longing

For what I never again

Will have.

Did I not know

How lucky I was?

Even with my fighting, angry parents

Whose temper I would flare so often,

On many more occasions than one

Even though I tried so hard not to get them mad.

Causing them to take their anger

Out on me.

What they did

Caused fear to build,

Fear of them.

I flinched when they walked towards me

A little too fast

And they just laughed

At what a scared child I was.

Did they know that when I ran from them

I was absolutely terrified

As I locked my door and they banged on and on

I was so scared and frightened

And alone?

Yet, I would give anything

In the entire world

To be that scared child again

Where hands not words hurt me

And where I was not this weak,

Withering soul.

Whose light is dim

And flickers

When the words plummet against me,

With tears escaping from

My weak, dim soul.

Why do we never realize

How lucky and happy we are

Until it is

Too late?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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