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A glimpse of the mirror

Flashes of hate beat along with my heart,

Hate for the person who looks back at me-

A person who is less of a beauty

And more of a beast,

Especially in the inside

Where light’s rays cannot reach.

The morning’s glare shows my face

And all things

That I wish not to be seen by others,

My hated imperfections,

They lie on the outside,

But worst of all, they thrive in the inside.

My self-hatred is fueled by the insults,

The things that are said,

The things that cause tears to escape

In my moments of great weakness.

But it is not just them, whose insults pain me,

It is also the insults of a so-called friend,

Those words also ruin my day.

Bring me to tumbling down

And not getting back up,

For, it just pains me

When there is more than one person

Who hates me

And makes me hate myself.


Author's Note: This poem is far from one of my best, I was half asleep when writing it >.< .

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