Dying Inside

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Alive and yet dead inside

With death invading my bloodstream,

Circulating and killing everything left of me-

Leaving nothing to stand in its path.

Dark, cruel and controlling,

And calculating.

Knowing when to strike,

And when to hide.

With no energy and no life left in my heart,

A pitiful defeat is declared

The conquerors hold their battle flags high in the clouds

In victory, running rampant into the depths of my heart

And life leaves my soul,

The breath escaping from my lips

The cry cascading from my soul.

With no one to save me,

Left in a world so dark,

With no one to hold my hand

I venture into the harsh climate,

Rocks fly and scrape at my skin

Tearing the fragile protection

And bringing fresh skin out,

Too young to be strong.

My skin burns and stings as flames lick my body

Winds blowing my hair around in a halo

I make my journey,

Looking for the piece of me that had been lost

My footprints leaving a trail behind me,

Showing my path

Good or bad, right or wrong.

For all to see.

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