Weak Loneliness

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Craving the warmth of another’s touch

When I just want to curl up,

And disappear from this world


With my frozen tears.

I am lost and lonely,

I desire for a hand to hold

And guide me to the piercing sunlight

That has been hidden from me

For too long,

I have forgotten its glaring rays

That kisses your soul

And warms your heart,

What it feels like

To be filled with hope and faith

That the sun will rise again.

Desperation for a shoulder

To cry on fills my head,

My only goal is to beat this loneliness,

This ache that I feel with

Every breath I take,

And every beat my treacherous heart makes.  

Alone in my room,

Lost and sad with nowhere to go,

Thoughts of death fill my brain,

Being all alone does this

On the days where the sadness

Takes over.

I curl up with my wet eyes,

Praying for the walls around me

To disappear,

Hoping for the endless sleep,

Yet my dreams crash against me instead,

And betray me.

Starting out as perfect and beautiful,

Eventually transforming into nightmares

To poison my soul

And drag me into the depths of loneliness.

I crave for the feeling of another’s love,

When my heart keeps on breaking

And my tears will not dry

Because I have not felt loved

Just hatred for the longest time.

Am I deserving of each gaping wound?

Maybe this pain and those words,

The fear I felt when running from your grasp,

Maybe my horrible soul deserves it.

I am too weak to permanently

Pull myself out of this sadness,

I keep falling down from your blows,

Standing back up with an empty soul.

Save me please,

I just do not know what to do anymore

When the sadness takes over,

And I cry all alone

Just another time.

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