What would we do without love?

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I have nothing to write about,

Everything seems as if it has already been done

My anger stage is not yet over,

For writing that is




Fan fictions,

Just a few things that Wattpad loves

Cliché romances,

Happily ever after’s,

Everything is going to be okay they scream

Twisted fairytales,

Bad boys falling for good girls,

Riding into the sunset on Mr. Hottie’s Motorcycle

Bad endings- as if that makes it original,

Broken hearts with someone waiting to mend them

Curses and potions for love

What they all have in common is-love

Every hit song playing on the radio is about- love

Every popular book dances around this topic-love

Every teenaged girl gossips about who’s-with-who-

Every movie has its own Prince Charming

Every celebrity marries over and over again-

Full of break-ups, hook-ups, and affairs

My, oh, my

What would we do without this treacherous love?

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