My Potion of Emotions

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Hating myself

Why can I not feel?

I prance around like a happy fool

Smiles faked

Laughs made

Joking with friends at school

Only to come home and crawl into my hole

Full of my emotions

Mixing and swirling

Hating and paining

Fighting and biting

My emotions battle against each other

My heart battles against my brain

And my soul battles against my heart

A mix of confusion here

A pinch of craziness there

A heart full of pain

A soulful of happiness goes down the drain,

What I am left with is a soulful of sadness

A brain full of anger

A heart filled with pain

Confusion muddling my brain

And craziness biting at my heels

The potions have long ago been mixed

My emotions had no choice,

And neither did I

If I had known

I would have stopped this

I would have stopped the pain

But how?

We all eventually regret the past

And wish that we could change

Something that we can’t

Something that we had no fault in

And yet

It is our life

And only we have the control over our life   

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