Abandoning Humanity

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Falling into an oblivion,

Confusion- is granted.

For, the confusion hides

The sadness,

The pain,

And the anger.

The unseen should not be seen.

And the seen should be seen.

But-in a hopeless moments such as this,

How can such rules be protected?

Words seem to drift apart

Language seems unknown to the eyes and ears

Thoughts scramble, spin, and dissipate

Life itself seems un-natural

Time becomes an unknown measurement

Sounds are muffled

Vision is blurred,

And unconsciousness is welcoming

The loved being the last to leave,

The hated the first.

But when has humanity itself been abandoned?

A question without an answer,

A lock without a key

A door without a handle,

A face without a name

An answer without a question

They are all the same

They are not themselves




Those who are alone are told this

But we all know that that is not true.

A person without regrets,

A soul without hate

Anger without hurt,

Love without pain

Are these points in which humanity-

 Itself has been abandoned?

Those are things that are not the same




Humanity is abandoned

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