Rest In Peace

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We visited your grave

Flowers and wreaths were placed,

To show the love we gave

And the love we give- with haste

All those who meet you were graced,

To have met you

But now death have you faced

And come hath you anew

You have come into a new world

While we stay in the one you left

The winds furled and curled

And in theft

Stole you from us

Our tears have dried

With sadness that we repress

My tears are filled with guilt 

Of the sadness filled within

The relationship between us not built

While I stay in the past remembering when

When I was a child- waiting,

Looking out the door

For you to reach the house- adoring

A smile and happiness welcomed for

Our home and family

Your departure

Has left us no happiness- emptily 

Mom and Dad will never be the same

None of us will

The tears have yet to be overcame

Life to them has no thrill

While I am the source of the blame

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