Words left Untold (Part II)

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Why is it so

That writing puts the sadness at bay,

Temporarily, yet when I tumble too far

Into the pit of darkness that has been

Swallowing me whole,

I just cannot bear to write

Not even one flimsy word?

Anything that brings me joy

Was abandoned long ago,

Writing too was left out with the trash.

Yet, on a November day

I picked up the forgotten pen,

Dug out my notebook,

And began to write.

What sparked me to write

Out of all things that I had given up?

I began to write even though

It had been years since I last

Had written a thing

Not for school.

Words had not always called out to me,

I am not going to sugarcoat it

With a flip of the hair

As everyone seems to do.

I stumbled over words as a young child,

Mixing words up,

Pronouncing words like caterpillar

As cal-lee-pillar.

Until about the third grade,

I hated reading,

Absolutely positively hated the

Once was frustrating activity of reading and writing.

Yet, once I discovered this-

This world of wonderful words,

I was hooked.

I tore through book after book

With hungry eyes,

Wanting more and more stories

And worlds that sparked my imagination.

As I got older,

And fell more in love

With books to wrap their story

Around my brain,

Allowing these spun words

To pull me in,

Immersing me in a world, a life

Better than my own

To get lost in.

Eventually, I discovered the joys of writing,

Still being an avid reader-

The idea of making worlds of my own

Excited me.

I too, got lost in the stories I spun on my own,

In time I found poetry and its beauty,

How relieving it was-

Pushing feelings and tumbling thoughts

Into an array of grouped lines.

Yet its beauty and relief was not enough

To prevent all of the words

From ceasing to go on.

When I pushed my joys

Into a locked chest,

Writing was the first to go.

And so was my smile,

My true smile.

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