My Annoying Tears

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Drip, drop

The tears fall down my face,

And my ears wait for the sound

Of a sob escaping my chest.

The sobs are loud and ugly,

My tears occasionally flowing into my mouth-

Their salty taste making it all so real.

I’m no pretty girl when I cry,

Let me tell you,

It’s nothing from the movies-

If a boy sees me cry well first of all

Why the hell am I crying in front of him,

He must have just been passing by.

Second of all he most likely should run, immediately,

For, I might as well shoot myself then from embarrasment.

My face is an ugly blotchy mess

A mess that goes away very, very slowly-

Once I stop crying, that is.

Red and blotchy  splotches cover my face,

Tears cover every inch of my cheeks,

And let me tell you If I am gonna sob it ain’t gonna be quiet.

I am pretty sure that I sound like some dying animal

And the odds are that you don’t even feel sorry for me.

You just want me to shut the fuck up.

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