Where did My Dreams go?

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You attack me just another time,

Your words and fists pull a blanket of darkness

Over my heart,

I disappointed you again.

And you told me what a big mistake I was,

How you wish that I was never born.

I know that I am not who you want me to be,

That I will never achieve your goals

You set for me long ago.

Let me live another day,

Breathe another breath

While being the one thing

That I am learning to be,


Tonight was just another night that I brought

Disappointment to your door,

Just another thing to make me regret

The fact that I am still breathing,

I am sorry, but sometimes,

Somewhere within me

I just want to live-

And be filled with light

And not darkness,

Yet others-

I just want my heart

To stop its incessant beating.

You tell me

How I am capable

Of nothing,

How my goals and dreams

Can never be achieved

By the likes of me.

So, I let my dreams die,

I let my dreams flutter away in the wind,

My dreams now

Have become lost in the abyss,

And I want them back.

I no longer dream at night,

Instead my demons of emotions

Haunt my thoughts

As sleep chooses to evade me.

Sleep will not invade me

When I cannot dream

Like others do

Or when I cower and hide

From the mornings light.

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