Call Me Whatever You Wish

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Call me a bitch,

Hey- I love dogs

Call me a cunt,

Something that goes hand and hand with bitch

Call me an asshole,

I believe I do have one of those- what about it?

Call me ugly,

I never said I was pretty

Call me stupid,

My straight A’s prove that

Call me a looser,

As if I didn’t already know that

Call me a freak,

And PROUD of it baby

Call me an idiot,

Your point?

Call me a weirdo,

You are just jealous

Call me dumb,

Such an ugly word, don’t you think?

Call me a disappointment,

Sorry to disappoint

Call me a sad-sack,

Wait- sacks are sad?

Call me a baby,

Not according to my birth certificate

Call me worthless,

I don’t have a price tag- duh

But do not call me a terrible human being,

How DARE you compare me to killers,

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