The Anger Inside Of Me

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The anger inside me boils,

Threatening to blow,

Like a tea kettle

The screeching sound of air

Coming out of another’s mouth,

Formed by the vocal cords

Can be the thing causing me to blow

The words,

The actions,

The things that you do to me

Cause a buildup of raw emotion




The anger runs through me disguising my pain

The pain causes my sadness never to be explained

The hate rules my decisions later regretted

And you?

You are the cause of my tears

Running down my face,

Bitter and sweet

As I walk away

And you continue to yell your painful words,

Words like a knife pressed to my throat

Threatening and Frightening,

But powerful

A knife pressed against the strongest man’s throat

Can make him weak,

And fall to his knees,

For all his weaknesses

Have confronted him,

Your words cause my faltering shield to fall

Your words make my weakness,

Because your words are my weakness 

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