Deathly Mistakes

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Sooo, this poem just really sucks. It's okay not to read it..


How far can we fall? 

When we have tried so hard not to fall.

Look where that got us-

Trapped, with nowhere to go.

Twisting and turning, looking for a way out,

Hiding from this won’t help us now.

Don’t look there’s a monster behind you

And I don’t have the strength to save you,

I can’t be your savior

Just like you can’t be mine.

There’s no one to save us now

We’re lost in oblivion,

With no way out.

Just see the remainders of those who’ve made this mistake

The odds- they’re not good,

But we knew that already.

Why did we make such a terrible mistake,

What were we thinking,

Were are minds not so great

Why can’t we just say that we were taken advantage of

Because it’s wrong?

Or because we wished that that was so?

I wish that I thought before I acted,

As do we all.

Can we beat the odds?

And prove everyone wrong.

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