My poems

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My poems spout words,

With understanding belonging to me

The words war on each other,

Clashing their swords and drawing blood

Never shall thee peace treaty be signed,

After all we all know that they will ignore that too,

The words are at a constant battle

Never flowing like a fluid stream,

Or depicting beauty for you and me

They mix and jumble

Twist and turn,

Fall and stumble,

Learn and burn

The comprehension

Of the meaning,

Is limited- at that

The words stand for their loss of knowledge

And their stand for idiocracy

My mind is full of dead ends,

Darn those twists and turns

The words speak to me,

Pleading their reason of understanding,

As a servant I obligingly obey,

My step full of doubt

So read my poems

Insult them

Hate them

Love them

I don’t care,

They are my reason,

They are my sanity,

They are my pain,

They are my hate,

They are my love,

They are my anger,

But- most of all-

They are ME

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