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This darkness that for so long I have fought

Has finally caught up with me

Surrounding me and filling me

Running through my veins,

My heart drinks up this bitter blood

With each beat it makes

I scream out for help,

And silence answers

I run with fear coursing its way throughout my body,

It is too late

Darkness has already grasped my soul,

In my ear darkness whispers,

“Nothing can save you now”

Suddenly I am lifted up and carried away

I scream until my throat is no longer functional

To my surprise, it is the light

And in my ear he instead whispers

“Hope is also what is running through your veins,

Never forget that,

Never let hope escape you”

Hope is what reaches out to the light,

Asking for help

And light always answers

What the Eye Does Not See (a collection of poems)Where stories live. Discover now