Pretty F*ckin Princess

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She has twinkling eyes-

Made from the stars

Beauty resides-

Within her soul

Graceful as a swan,

Kindness is a second nature 

Never are her emotions drawn

Her actions are filled with good manners

She is the definition of proper,

With high standards

Her voice sings a sweet melody,

For Mr. Prince Charming

With his love remedy

I have eyes twinkling with hate-

Made from the depths of my soul

Ugly is what only I can recreate

My soul is filled with pain

Clumsy is my middle name

Hate is my second nature

Emotionally unstable is my game

Manners are not existent

I am as proper as a fly

With my standards distant

My voice sings a wonderful melody-

That causes crows to drop

My Prince Charming shall never come

And my heart shall continue to throb

Continue to call me princess,

As an insult

While continuing to call me worthless,

While continuing to say I am capable of doing nothing,

While continuing to call me lazy,

While continuing to hate me,

While continuing to call me a bitch,

While continuing to hurt me,

Yes- I remember

I REMEMBER you singing

Cinderella, Cinderella –

Taunting me

As I washed the floors


The song you sing,

The song you sing often

Why are you such a dumb-shit? Why are you such a dumb-shit?

To the tune of We're a Couple of Misfits-

Sung by an elf-

Just because he wants to be a dentist

And yet- I am told not to complain

I am told that I have no right

But- an elf can sing his sorrows

Just because he wants to be a dentist

I cannot sing of my sorrows

I cannot speak of my sorrows

I cannot have someone who understands my sorrows

I cannot have something to drown my sorrows

I cannot end my sorrows

And yet an elf can

Pity me not

I am not asking for the treacherous pity

I want understanding

I want answers

I want love

I want happiness

But everyone wants everything

This is a world where wishes don’t come true

Prince Charming doesn’t ride in on a white horse-

Saving his princess in distress

True love doesn’t exist

Love does not conquer all

Glass slippers don’t always fit

Evil stepsisters continue to rule

Hunters kill when told to

Frogs stay frogs

Beasts stay beasts

Thieves stay thieves-

Not princes

But- most important of all

Fairytales stay fairytales-

Just a dream

And in this world,

Dreams do not come true

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