Hiding from the Decisions

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My future isn’t planned out in stone,

While everyone I know has theirs –

Planned out in at least concrete

My future I cannot predict,

As no one can.

I allow my decisions guide me to my future,

Not my plans

The thought of making such a decision scares me,

How can one be rash when making a decision such as this?

This one decision affects your entire life.

I run from the past,

I run from the future

And I hide from the present

I am a girl that is a complete coward,

Hiding from things I don’t want to feel

Hiding from things I don’t want to hear

Hiding from things I don’t want to remember

Decisions and I do not get along well,

Why can this not be accepted?

My plans are not made,

For planning something to be changed is pointless

Yet, why do I feel like this?


Left behind and ignored,

Just because that I wish to run from the future

Run and hide I do.  

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