Running Away

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You said, “get out of my house, NOW”

And obliged,

I put my bare foot out the door in the rain,

Each step splashing water into the air

The gravel scraping against my tender feet,

And my heart left broken past the doorway-

It was broken long ago,

Maybe it was the first time you called me a cunt bitch,

Or maybe it was the first time you called me ugly, or stupid

Or maybe it was when hope fluttered out of my chest.

I marched on that sidewalk,

And not a soul asked me why

No one asked me if I was okay.

Just a 12 year old girl who had lost her way,

Walking barefoot in the rain,

With her toes frozen and numb

Along with her heart,

All trying to get along.

I looked up to the cloudy sky

And to the plants thanking the Lord for this storm,

I wondered why I was so fragile

So weak- surrendering to the bully that stood beyond the doorway

I thought that that was the monster,

Lurking in that house, with its gleaming teeth frightening all who saw

But all along it really was me.

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