Take Me Away, Far Away

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Take me away from this,

Away from everything I am hiding from-

The pain lurking inside of me,

Tears that are shed at night

And what your words do to me.

Why can they not leave me alone?

I wish that the noise would stop,

That the yells would become the deadly silence.

I wish that the pain and sadness

Would just leave me alone

When I am trying so hard

To escape their grasp.

Take me away,

Hurt me please

I do not even care anymore,

I just want to leave this place-

Leave the sadness

Behind its door.

I wish that it would all disappear,

Those thoughts of ending it all,

The moments where I curl up and cry,

The loneliness lurking behind the corner,

The pain those words bring,

Anger that burns hot because of them

And most of all

I wish that the confusion would be explained.

Take me far away,

To a place where memories are lost

Where time is endless,

Stretching out into infinity,

Take me to a place where pain can be healed.

Take me anywhere,

Like a drug,

Make me numb,

Make me forget

Because maybe I will learn how to feel again.

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