My Lost Soul

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I watch the glass fall,

Tumbling away from safety,

The protection it needs to keep it from breaking.

And yet it still falls

Does it fall out of curiosity?

Or out of pain?

The glass continues to tumble,

And at the moment-

The moment that the corner kisses the floor,

Time stops and all is still.

The heart beats,

My chest expands, gulping in oxygen,

And I run to stop the shattering.

But I am too late

The glass flies,

Shattering into a million little slivers,

Broken and beautiful.

Silent and still.

Pained and gone.

The bigger slivers lie closer to the impact,

The fall of another fragile thing.

I pick up each sharp piece

Each piece a remnant of what it once was,

Pieces of my soul.

Forever lost to the world it trusted so much,

Too much.

Trust inlaid in untrustworthy hands,

Dangerous hands to my fragile soul

The soul that had cried

For months on end,

All from the loss and confusion-

Confusion brought on by the depression.

My lost shattered soul,

Confused and alone

Broken and hurt

My soul is lost in a world-

A world that I no longer know,

A world that I no longer trust,

A world that I no longer love.

My heart throbs for the loss,

Begging for me to look for my lost soul,

But my lost soul does not want to be found

And I do not think that I want to find it.

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