The Freedom Bird

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Write, do I?

I speak of the same things

In every poem I sing

Like a bird,

I sing the same song over and over again

Until a new song has been revealed

To the world of this little bird

Freedom does this bird recognize well

And the peace of a chilled night

Also- this bird knows

The anger and agony nature brings,

Full of terror and violence

That only a storm can bring

The caged bird

Knows not of freedom

But escaping

Escaping the arms of its master

Who clutches this little bird

And shows it the safety of its cage

In attempt of deluding this poor little bird

The master whispers in its ear

Of the shelter and food it brings to this little bird

Oh, but lies does he tell

Food is not of shortage in this bird’s true home

Shelter is not of shortage either

A family waiting for this caged bird

To fly home

 And a master –guarding this birds cell

So no escapes shall be made

And no happiness shall this bird receive

From its frightening master

Freedom does this bird dream of

And loneliness does this bird get

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