Becoming what you Have Always Said I Was

14 3 1

Cold and dark inside is how a feel,

Like some cruel and heartless bitch-

When someone calls you a cunt bitch enough,

Do you become one?

Am I every single thing that I have been called?

I am the ugly mistake

That you just can’t seem to get rid of-

Or change.

I have become the monster now,

You were always the monster in my eyes

A person who hurts someone and enjoys it,

Someone who can abuse a person verbally every day

And feel not a thing.

Have I become what you have said I am all along?

I am a cruel heartless bitch,

Cold inside and left out with the trash

Ugly inside and out I am

An outlier, the loser distanced from others

Weird in all the worst ways,

My annoying tendencies leaving me a friendless loser,

Have I become exactly what I have been running from?

The person that no one wants to be friends with

And no one cares about.


So, this is one of those crappy ranting poems of mine that I have no clue why I even post. Possibly for a personal reccord of how horrible I can write at times. Apologies to my, like 3 readers. I also tried to use less cuss words in this poem, then usual that is since Wattpad has already rated my poems PG-13 from the occasional cussing included within my poems. I love comments, and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! (Just to make my day, you have no clue how happy I get when someone votes!!!)

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