The Battle of the Monster

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  • Dedicated to My friend, Karen

Some of us hide away in obsessions,

We hide our pain in boy bands,

Places that we envision our future to take place in

We wish that we could live in the funny out-of-this-world shows,

Good books- we learn of lives that we could never have,

And put on a smile.

Some of us allow the wind to take us where we belong,

We allow nature to run its course-

Not giving up but still in need of a map.

The stream of emotions running through us.

Sometimes a little shove will do.

Some of us tuck ourselves into books,

Pick up the glasses and study and learn-

We learn for the hope of a better future,

We hide in the work that needs done-

But sometimes we just need to take a deep breath.

We tuck away that part of us,

The sadness that drags us under.

Day by day we lose a shred of our soul,

Withering away like an old book-

Full of hope and conflict

The bottle that we keep at our bedside table,

Each and every night we put a piece of ourselves inside it

And yet we can’t talk about the bottle of our soul,

We can’t talk about the thing that haunts us in our nightmares,

Why?-why don’t some of us have-

Have whatever is missing that we need to reach out for help?

Why do some of us slit our wrists,

And some of us curl up and cry ourselves to sleep every night?

Why do some of us lose what we once were in the depression?

And why do some of us walk away unharmed?

Why do some of us do wrong in the end because of the pain we feel?

Do we fear the acceptance or do we fear the pain?

Or maybe we just are afraid of what we could be,

And maybe it is okay to lend someone a key to your secrets,

As long as they return the key and don’t leave us alone.

Are we afraid of the silence?

Or the noise?

The beautiful noise of lives incessantly occurring,

The beauty in the world-

And the darkness too.

Sometimes we just need to learn-

We need to learn that the big bad monster isn’t always the monster under the bed,

The monster is just the battle,

And in a battle sometimes the hero needs help,

It doesn’t matter what got done-

It matters how you got there.

Sometimes the battle is just worth fighting for.

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