Chapt 1 ✦ Nora

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Five miuntes until its time for me to fight. I was ready, I've been training non stop. I sit in the back room with my headphones in. Everyone around me is talking but I'm not focused on them.

I snap out of my haze when my coach, waves his hand in front of me. "Nora." He calls out as I take my headphones out. "You ready?" He asks. "Great, let's go." I get up and we make our way out the door and down the long hall to the arena. Cameras flashing in my face as I make my way down but none of this was new.

I'm used to the this. The lights, bets, paparazzi and fighting. Gangs, business men, and whoever else joins bidding in a winning. Believe it or not, nothing ever stays underground. It's been my life since the age of 15. My hoodie on and my head down, I make my way through the crowd.

Boxing was the only thing that took the edge off of never having a good home life. However after a few years, I started underground boxing. It opened my eyes to a whole other world. Most of the time, I am usually training or hanging out with friends. My love life is non exsitent yet that's how I like it.

No Pain, No feelings....No problems.

However the paparazzi never have a problem trying to explore. "Red, any future prospects?" "Nora, when will there be a Mr?" I continue down the hall through the crowd of people asking me questions or cheering.

Until I feel someone bump into me so hard that I'm back to reality. I stumble back, my airpod dropping out my ear. "Oh I'm sorry." I say sincerely as I pick up my airpod off the ground. I look up to see the most beautful pair of brown eyes I've ever seen. "That was definitely my fault." The tall muscular man laughs a little. His laugh instantly causing me to smile.

"I'm guessing you are the star of the night." He says, fixing his watch on his right wrist that fell off.

"I mean that all depends on if I win." I add and he smiles, checking his watch again. "Have a good match." He walks around me. "I'll be watching." I smile in his direction before turning back around having to shake my nerves out, throwing punches into the air. I walk through the entrance, hearing everyone chanting my name.


Red was a nickname my press agent gave me years ago when I first started fighting, I wasn't in a good place and let's just say I didn't stop until I saw red. One of my agents felt the name was necessary for good press and leaked it. Now I've been carrying that name for 6 years.

I walk down the path to the ring. We get to the ropes and someone lifts them as I climb in. I turn to see Maxine Lordess in the corner jumping around.

She was one of the big dogs, at least that what the press says, and I wanted her. I wanted to watch her on the floor as the ref called out my name in victory. In all these years, we never got a chance to fight each other but today that changes.

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