Chapt 51 ✦ Boat Ride

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"I can't wait to get to the cabin." Marina speaks up, drinking her 2nd margarita. "How far are we?" Nora asks also drinking her 2nd margarita.

"An hour." Sienna responds from the front. She stands next to Damien as they look at the map to make sure we are going the correct way.

They are such parents.

The great thing about Nora's friends are that most date my friends so I don't have to be stuck with females all the time. "Zach get off the roof of the boat!" Leila screams, causing all of us to laugh.

Nora puts down her empty glass, laying her head into my lap, staring up at me. "You are just too beautiful to stare at. I could be blinded by your halo." She rolls her eyes, a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Shut up." She nudges my stomach a little. "Are you excited? It's going to be so much fun." She smiles and yes It is going to be so much fun. However a whole week with these knuckleheads is going to be interesting to say the least.

"Yes. I am excited." I respond and Nathan throws a pillow at her, gagging and the. leaving. "Whatever you are feeling, you gotta stop. I'll die." She snorts, "Can't help it when he look like this." She whispers and I sigh.

"You are going to give me hell this week aren't you?" I run a hand over my face with a sigh. "I am going to be smoking and drinking this entire trip so yes." She runs her fingers up my chest, kissing up the side of my neck. "I will be your absolute worse nightmare." Her whisper was enough to make me want her right here.

"Behave." She doesn't relent. She continues her torturous kisses along my neck, sucking and biting. I'm surprised my dick hadn't broken my zipper at this point.

I grab onto her waist tightly, trying to calm myself down. But it all goes out the window when she brushes her hand against the clear bulge on my pants.

Her throat in my hand, I yank her to me. "You think I'm above fucking you on this boat Nora?" Her chest heaves against mine and her cheeks get brighter by the second.

"I'll fuck you right here without a care in the world. You want to hear your friends know what you sound like when I make you come..." I squeeze tighter yet all she does is smile softly.

"You are bad." She kisses me before grabbing another margarita. "Yeah but you love me." She opens the curtain leading to the open side of the boat.

Zach climbs down coming into the lounge area. "I heard there's a zip line where we are going." I lean my head back, "Such a kid." I laugh and he scoffs.

"You gonna tell me you aren't going to see that zip line and be like "I wanna do it. Don't lie. It's rude." Leila walks in before I have a chance to response to his ridiculous question.

She stands, arms crossed, her black heels clicks on the floor. "Zachary." I turn a sharp head to him, he never lets anyone use his full name.


He stares at her for a moment and when she huffs, beginning to walk out, he grabs her arm. "Okay. Okay. I shouldn't have gotten on the roof." He releases, "You could've gotten hurt."

"Okay. Okay. I'll chill." He kisses her hand and she walks back out with the girls. "You love her." I state and he sighs, running a hand through his blonde curls. "Yeah, I do."

"Didn't think love was for guys like us." She leans back against the chair as I pull out my phone, checking for anything.

"Yeah well... we all got lucky." I respond with a light scoff, shaking my head a little. "To think none of this would've happened if you didn't miss." I look up from my phone, replaying his sentence.

I never miss but that day with Zach in my ear, making me mess up. None of this would've happened, I probably wouldn't have gone for Nora if she wasn't hurt.

"You can say it." He baits and I roll my eyes. I'll die before I admit he was right. "Come on, if it wasn't for me being ya know me. You would not be in love. All three of us would still be single." He stands up posing and making grunting sounds as he shows off his muscles.

"Reign supreme." He poses and I throw a pillow at him. "Get the fuck away from me before I kill you." I laugh standing up, heading back out.

The girls dancing to some music, drinking and talking. "Damien, Nathan. Get in here." Zach yells, pulling me back in.

Nathan rounds the corner with a beer, sitting in the lounge followed by Damien. "I need to make sure we get to the right-"

"Isn't there a captain?" Zach asks and Damien doesn't acknowledge the question. "Sit down." I grab a blunt off the table starting it.

"So what's all at this retreat thing?" Damien asks and Nathan looks it up on his phone. "A lot of shit. Swimming, zip lines, spas for the girls, a beach club, a poker night." I stop him.

"That's all I needed to hear." They all laugh. "So when are you doing it?" Nathan asks me and I pull the ring out my pocket, opening it.

"Last day. But I want her parents here for it, so I set up a time to speak with your mother and father."  I release a long sigh, "If you get my family out here, I'll pay you 100k." He laughs and I laugh as well.

"I don't need the money but maybe a favor in the future. I can be pretty convincing." I put the ring back into my bag. I don't do nerves and though I know she loves me, Marriage is a huge deal.

At least for me, because I never imagined myself getting married.

The blunt comes back to me, I take long drags, pushing my nerves as far away as possible. "Thanks for arranging it." I say to Damien and he nods. "Yeah the girls will be surprised too, if we tell them she'll know by tomorrow." I laugh at his comment.

The captain blows the horn, telling us we are going to be arriving soon. I grab another blunt off the table, separating myself as I go outside.

The island looks a decent size and I can see people partying from here. I feel someone walking behind me, knowing it's Nora I smile.

"Yes Angel"

"Geez, I can never sneak up on you. It's annoying." She hooks her arms around my arm, leaning into me. "This is going to be such an amazing week."

"Yes It will be Angel."


Hey guys, I hope you guys had a great week. Sorry for the late update however thank you guys for all the support and love!!! Intoxicating just hit 30k!!! I'm so excited and thankful for everyone who even took the time to read the book!

Another update is that you guy get a little luck this week bc i'm off tomorrow and the fourth so I may to another 2 chapters for a double update so look out for that🤍

Also another question I keep getting is when will the third come out. I will be posting the aesthetic and prologue for the Intangible in the next week or so and before I post the last chapter of Insanity, I will be posting the first 5 chapters of Intangible so it will be out very soon.

Intangible follows Angelina Salvatore their little sister. 🤍

You guys have a good night or morning lol!!

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