Chapt 38 ✦ Answers

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"God, I shouldn't have drank this much." I groan causing Leila to laugh. "You say that every time you get wasted" I turn to her sharply.

"I am not wasted. I am just at a point in which I might not totally come back from." Sienna laughs at my response as she stuffs goldfish in her mouth lazily.

"If anyone should be complaining it should be me. I'm the one stuck with you two." As if she's not totally plastered. "You're d-drunk too." Leila points at her and laughs.

"I'm not"

"You are upside down, eating goldfish on the couch" I point and she looks shocked. "Be that as it may, I'm still the most sound out of the bunch" She comments and I laugh.

I hear a car pull up and stand up almost too quickly. "Ooop that's the boys." I laugh and Sienna stands up quickly.

"Oh my Jesus. He can't see me like this. Or all the snacks, clean up" She scrambles and Leila can't contain her laugher.

"Now." She grits and we start cleaning. "Fine" I pick up the two empty wine bottles. "Miss grumpy pants" Leila tags along.

After a quick minute of scrambling, the door lock clicks and they walk in, laughing amongst themselves before turning to us.

"Ladies" Zach speaks first and I refrain from speaking. If I talk, I'm going to laugh. Hard as shit.

"How was you guys night?" Damien asks and I turn to Sienna. "It was very eventful" She tries to sound normal. "Really? Doing what?" Damien presses with a slight smile on his face.

"Oh ya know, watching tv and s-stuff." The stutter breaks Leila and I. We burst out laughing, pushing on each other.

"She forgot to say we are all cross faded." Leila speaks up and I turn to see Axel covered in what I'm guessing is not his blood.

"Can you take them home?" I ask and the boys nod. "Come on" Leila walks over to Zach and he throws her over his shoulder.

"Bye Nora" Zach kisses my forehead and turns to leave. "Byeeeee" Leila sits up for a second and then goes back down laughing.

Sienna walks over to Damien and holds her hand up. "You say anything and your friend will be attending you funeral." Damien laughs before grabbing her hand and saying bye.

The door shuts and Axel walks to the bathroom. "Are you okay?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah, just let me shower and we can talk." He responds and guilt immediately consumes me.

I shouldn't have asked him to do this. I shouldn't have suggested it.

I grab some water and chips from the kitchen and head to the living room. The thought of giving him some space crosses my brain but instead I end up abandoning my chips and heading to the bathroom.

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